10-year-old boy on stage at Foo Fighters impresses crowd with covers of Metallica



A 10-year-old guitarist attending a Foo Fighters concert in Kansas City, Missouri, was more than ready to be flexible in his musical abilities when the leader, Dave Grohl, pulled him out of the audience.

After bringing the boy, named Collier, on stage, Grohl asks him what kind of songs he knew. Grabbing the microphone, Collier responds: "I know a lot of Metallica songs" and flashes the "rock on" sign.

Collier receives the guitar and, with the encouragement of Grohl, he immediately fell into "Enter Sandman". Grohl raises his hands and the group – with Grohl at the microphone – joins us.

Much to Grohl's delight, Collier later played intros from two other Metallica songs, including "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)".

"I know Ed Sheeran is playing on the street tonight, but he has nothing on Collier at the moment," the rocker told the crowd. "I know it."

And before returning to sit with his mother in the stands, Grohl decides to offer Collier his guitar.

"If I see that … on eBay next week, I'll find you," he joked. "I'll find you, Collier."

Look at all the exchange above.

Alyssa Pereira is a staff writer for SFGATE. Send him an email at [email protected] or find it on Twitter at the address @alyspereira.

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