1,000-mile-per-hour Bloodhound car hits skates as project goes into administration | Technology


Plans to build a British jet car capable of more than 300 km / h in the desert have hit the ground after the start of the company behind the Bloodhound project.

The dream of a super-fast car to break the ground speed record led to the creation of Bloodhound Program Ltd in 2007, with the idea of ​​involving schools and students in engineering too.

Bloodhound has already built and tested a viable racing car at a speed of 200 km / h, but the project is in debt and needs to find £ 25 million or the liquidation of the face.

Directors appealed to investors, favorably comparing its cost and potential legacy to the money spent on Formula 1 and other races. Until now, Bloodhound has been supported by partners and sponsors, including Rolls-Royce and the UK Department of Defense, which lent prototype prototypes.

The North Cape Regional Government in South Africa has also helped build a 1,500-meter-wide racing track in the Hakskeenpan desert.

Bloodhound said its program has been a catalyst for research and development, as well as helping schoolchildren around the world to focus on science and engineering, with an educational campaign aimed at more of 2 million children.

Andrew Sheridan, co-director of FRP Advisory, said, "Bloodhound is a truly revolutionary project. The entry into the administration offers some breathing space to identify an investor who will provide the secured financing, the impetus and the expertise needed to move the project forward. "

He said discussions were underway with a number of potential investors. "If Bloodhound needs £ 25 million to beat the ground speed record, it represents a fraction of the cost of, for example, finishing last in an F1 season or leading an America's team. Cup. This is an opportunity for the right investor to leave a lasting legacy. "

Bloodhound Chief Engineer Mark Chapman said, "With the right support, we have no doubt that the project will achieve its goals and that it could be crowned for registration in just 10 months."

The planned car is a combination of jet, F1 car and spaceship that would cover the length of four and a half football fields in one second.

The world record ground speed of 763 mph was reached in the Nevada desert in 1997 with a British-designed car, Thrust SSC, led by the same team behind Bloodhound.

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