110th anniversary of the impact of Tunguska on Siberia |


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By NASA // June 30, 2018

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Arrived June 30, 1908

ABOVE THE VIDEO: Characteristic of the Tunguska Explosion of the Historic Range

JUNE 30, 1908 – This #InternationalAsteroidDay falls on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the Tunguska Impact. this day (June 30) in 1908 over Siberia.

An intense, heated explosion descended nearly 1,300 square kilometers (800 square miles) of forest, flattening trees and stripping the branches of their branches (photo). The seismic activity was recorded until England, but the explosion left no crater

A very curious event in a remote place, it held the interest experts from the early 1920s.

Don Yeomans, director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the Near-Earth Objects Office, retired, said: "This is the only entrance of a large meteorite in the modern era with first-hand testimonials ".

"A century later, some people ate the cause and come up with different scenarios that could have caused the explosion." But the generally accepted theory is that on the morning of June 30, 1908, a large space rock, about 120 feet wide, penetrated into the Siberian atmosphere and then exploded into the sky. "

Chelyabinsk's Meteor Exploded on Russia February 15, 2013, 1600 Injured people recalled the event of 1908.

Today, the NASA Earth Station Study Center at JPL detects and tracks asteroids and comets whose orbits are in orbit. less than 30 million miles from Earth. to awaken consciences if a situation similar to that of Tunguska arose in the future


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