12 women present a case of drug addiction and sexual assault against a Californian couple


While the authorities are investigating other allegations against the couple, the charges against Mr. Robicheaux and Ms. Riley stem from two alleged assaults in 2016.

In April of the same year, the couple met a 32-year-old woman at a Newport Beach restaurant and invited her to a party a few days later, the authorities said. In the couple's apartment, the intoxicated woman was sexually assaulted and unable to resist, according to the prosecutor's office.

In October 2016, the couple reportedly met a woman in a bar and drank with her until she lost consciousness. Prosecutors say the couple sexually assaulted the woman and tried to rape her, but she started shouting, pushing a neighbor to call 911. Police officers from Newport Beach responded.

During the course of their investigation, the authorities stated that they had found on Mr. Robicheaux's phone hundreds of videos that appeared to show barely conscious women who would be unable to give their consent or resist sexual advances.

During the couple's meetings with the women, Ms. Riley would try to make the victims feel comfortable and safe "because she was a woman," Rackauckas said this week.

"People often assume that rapists are frightening, scary men who hide among bushes and attack unsuspecting women," he said. "The reality is that rapists come from all socio-economic groups and all walks of life."

Although the authorities often warn people, especially women, to know what they are drinking, the prosecutor said the victims were not responsible.

"We know that some victims may blame themselves," Rackauckas said. "They might think that there is no reportable crime because they have knowingly consumed or used illicit substances with the accused. Your conscious decision to party with these accused or with anyone who consumes alcohol or intoxicants does not give them permission to violate or assault once you have passed the point of consent. "

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