A thirteen-year-old girl was "decapitated with a sickle after refusing to have sex with her neighbor".
The teenager was allegedly murdered in India because she had rejected the advances of the man who belonged to a higher caste.
The horrible attack took place in the Salem district of Tamil Nadu.
The accused, Dinesh Kumar, was arrested and charged under a law in force since 1989 that criminalizes caste-based violence.
Ponkarthik Kumar, a senior district police official, told CNN, "The girl was brutally murdered. The investigation is ongoing and the accused has been arrested. "
The police also rejected allegations that the accused had mental illness.
According to local reports, the girl was reported to have attended a nearby school and told her mother about the sexual advances she had repeatedly refused.
Although it is illegal to commit crimes against people belonging to a lower caste, activists claim that the deeply entrenched bias still exists and leads to crimes against people of lower social status.
Lower castes, also known as Dalits, are among the most marginalized groups in India and were formerly known as the Untouchables.
Historically, they have been denied the right to education and a decent job, although it is now illegal.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau, only in 2016, more than 47,000 crimes were committed against people because of their caste.
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