130,000-year-old woolly mammoth bones discovered in England


Road workers who are developing the A14 highway in England have discovered woolly mammoth bones that are thought to date back 130,000 years ago, some calling this discovery "a remarkable discovery." ".

The bones were found between Cambridge and Huntingdon, Cambodia, by Highway England workers, according to SWNS. In addition to the mammoth bones, they also discovered remains of woolly rhinos, both of which should be examined by researchers to determine their exact age.

"The remains of a woolly mammoth dating back to the Ice Age are among the last remarkable discoveries of the team working on the A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon project," a spokesman for Highways England said, according to SWNS.


It is believed that the area where the bones were found was an old river.

Paleontologist Dean Lomax said the findings were exciting, but he wondered if the region had more to discover.

"The woolly mammoth and the woolly rhinoceros were once part of the wildlife here in the UK, during the ice age," said Lomax, according to the SWNS. "However, recent discoveries such as this one are quite rare and it is interesting to note that they were discovered during road works." It would be interesting to know if it was a problem. a punctual discovery or if more individuals are preserved in the same area. "

Highways England worker with a mammoth bone. Remains of an ancient woolly mammoth, presumably 130,000 years old, were dug up by road workers widening a highway. (Credit: SWNS)

Highways England worker with a mammoth bone. Remains of an ancient woolly mammoth, presumably 130,000 years old, were dug up by road workers widening a highway. (Credit: SWNS)

"It is also important that these samples are properly cared for and preserved.These types of bone, especially mammoth tusks, can deteriorate badly if they are not treated, so you have to be very careful about these. remains."

Woolly mammoths became extinct more than 4,000 years ago, with some scientists thinking that they had died of the changing climate and human hunters.


However, researchers are trying to bring back the mammoth with the help of gene editing, including the controversial gene editing tool CRISPR.

George Church, Harvard and MIT geneticist and co-founder of CRISPR, is leading the Harvard Woolly Mammoth Revival team, a project to introduce mammoth genes into the Asian elephant. for conservation purposes.

"Elephants who lived in the past – and maybe even in the future – fell down trees and let cold air hit the ground and keep the cold in the winter, and they helped the grass to grow and reflect the sun in summer, "Church told Live Science in May. "Those two there [factors] combined could result in huge soil cooling and a rich ecosystem. "


Mammoth remains have been found all over the world in recent months. In June, a mysterious mammoth bone was found on a beach in Loch Ryan, in southwestern Scotland.

In August, a frozen woolly mammoth was found in Siberia. The researchers hypothesized that it could be a new type of species because of its small size. It has been dubbed a "golden mammoth" and could be up to 50,000 years old.

In September, a mammoth slaughter site was discovered in Austria, where stone age people massacred mammoths.

James Rogers of Fox News contributed to this report. Follow Chris Ciaccia on Twitter @Chris_Ciaccia

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