15 Cuban migrants arrested after "smuggling" in Virginia Key: US Border Patrol


Fifteen Cuban migrants were arrested on Sunday as a result of a "maritime smuggling event" on Virginia Key, said a spokeswoman for US Customs and Border Protection.

The 15 migrants will be transported to the Dania Beach Border Patrol Station for "treatment and removal", the spokesman said.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission originally announced that 20 migrants had been found on the boat. The Coast Guard later stated that there were a total of 27 people aboard the ship, but was not able to confirm the number of migrants originating from the island nation.

Two people were initially arrested near North Point Park, the FWC said. US Customs and Border Protection and the Miami Fire Department responded to the scene.

Cuban migrants arrive in Virginia KeyCuban migrants arrive in Virginia Key

Miami firefighters reported submitting medical assessments to 13 people – 12 men and one woman.

Law enforcement officials are investigating the incident.

This is a story in development and will be updated.

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