15 fastest growing careers | Money


No matter what kind of skills you have, now is the time to look for a job.

Yet some workers have it better than others.

The unemployment rate is the lowest in decades and wages are starting to climb slowly. Not surprisingly, there are an estimated 8 million jobs created over the next five years, according to a new study from the CareerBuilder job website.

CareerBuilder has examined the fastest growing jobs in the United States using wage ranges, classifying them as high, medium and low wage jobs. While the buzzing economy should offer opportunities at all levels, some types of work are ready for much faster growth than others.

This is largely because of technology (whether the advent of digital medical records or the race to build autonomous cars) dramatically changes the job market. Jobs requiring high level technical expertise, such as software development or supervision of inpatient medical care, will continue to grow; as well as less skilled jobs that nevertheless require human contact, such as customer reception or food service.

Workers whose skills fall between these two extremes – such as clerks – will also see additional but fewer opportunities for computers and robots to become more adept at handling these tasks.

In total, 3 million jobs should be created in high and low wage markets over the next five years, while only 2 million are expected in the middle income market, according to the study.

For the study, low-wage jobs were defined as those paying $ 14.17 or less per hour (about the $ 15 minimum wage phased in some states and firms), middle-income jobs ranging from 14 , 18 USD to 23.59 USD per hour (28,000 USD). $ 46,000 per year) and the highest paid jobs were $ 23.24 per hour ($ 46,000 or more per year).

These are high-paying, low-wage jobs that are expected to grow the fastest between 2018 and 2023:

High salary jobs

Software Developers, Applications

Rate of growth: 16%

Median hourly earnings: $ 48.49

Market Research Analysts and Marketers

Rate of growth: 12.6%

Median hourly earnings: 30.21%

Plumbers, pipefitters and pipefitters

Rate of growth: 8.58%

Median hourly earnings: $ 23.72

Registered nurses

Rate of growth: 8.39%

Median hourly earnings: $ 33.55

User Support Specialists

Rate of growth: 7.48%

Median hourly earnings: $ 24.16

Jobs at average salary

Medical assistants

Rate of growth: 14.51%

Median hourly earnings: $ 15.62

Invoice and billing clerk

Rate of growth: 8.59%

Median hourly earnings: $ 17.85

Licensed and professional registered nurses

Rate of growth: 7.34%

Median hourly earnings: $ 21.56

Construction workers

Rate of growth: 6.56%

Median hourly earnings: $ 14.73

Maintenance and repair workers (general)

Rate of growth: 5.41%

Median hourly earnings: $ 18.08

Low-wage jobs

Home helpers

Rate of growth: 22.42%

Median hourly earnings: $ 11.17

Cooks, restaurants

Rate of growth: 7.46%

Median hourly earnings: $ 12.06

Licensed nurses

Rate of growth: 6.33%

Median hourly earnings: $ 13.23

Receptionists and Information Clerks

Rate of growth: 6.29%

Median hourly earnings: $ 13.70

Waiters and waitresses

Rate of growth: 5.49%

Median hourly earnings: $ 10.01

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