164 people sick, 1 dead salmonella epidemic linked to a raw turkey, warns the CDC


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise people to be careful when washing and cooking raw turkey, especially as they approach Thanksgiving.

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The notice comes after 164 people got sick and another person died as a result of an outbreak of salmonella linked to raw turkey.

"It appears to be a more prevalent strain of salmonella in turkeys and sick people are reporting a wide variety of turkey products (getting sick)," CDC Colin epidemiologist told WSBTV.com Basler.

The outbreak has been going on for almost a year and has not been attributed to a turkey farm or a specific location. People got sick in 35 states. At least 63 people were hospitalized and one person died in California.

The CDC does not issue recalls and said that it was not necessary to get rid of turkey products, but officials urge people to prepare raw turkey in a manner that kills bacteria.

According to Basler, people should wash their hands after handling raw turkey, make sure that they cook turkey products with an internal temperature of 165 degrees and check that temperature at the same time. help from a meat thermometer.

The CDC also recommends defrosting the raw turkey in the refrigerator and not on the counter to reduce the risk of bacteria, and using a cutting board and separate plates for raw meat, poultry and seafood.

Regan spoke with client Susan Wallace, who said the news was at the wrong time.

"It's very disturbing of course, with Thanksgiving coming," Wallace said. "I plan to have a turkey with my family."

Gene Smith agreed and said that eating something else the big day was not an option. He said his family would be very careful and make sure their Thanksgiving turkey is cooked well this year.

"We must have turkey – it's the thing to have!" Smith said.

People are not alone in risk of falling sick with salmonella linked to turkey. Raw turkey pet foods also have a negative impact on dogs. Earlier this year, a company recalled 4,000 pounds of turkey dog ​​food, fearing to be contaminated with salmonella.

The CDC says that pets should never receive raw meat.

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