18 Attorneys General continue family separation of Trump administration


The case argues that the practice of family separations is "irrationally discriminatory" and violates the constitutional guarantee of equal protection "because it only applies to people crossing our south-western border, the majority of whom are from Latin America and D "after a press release from the New York Attorney General's Office, Barbara Underwood.

The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court for the West District of Washington, is being brought by the attorneys general of California, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York. Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and the state of Washington. All are democrats.
Democrats have severely criticized the "zero tolerance" policy of the Trump administration, which has resulted in in the separation of migrant families. President Donald Trump signed an executive order last week that he said would help end the separation of undocumented families at the border after a violent reaction to the practice.

"What he (the president) does with the families on the border, the separation of children, violates the Constitution," said New York Governor Andrew Cuomo told Wolf Blitzer of CNN on Tuesday. "Our position is that it violates the Constitution, violates due process, violates equal protection and violates the Law on Administrative Procedure."

The lawsuit argues that the Trump administration "violated the constitutional rights of due process of parents and children by separating them in an obvious way and without any finding that the parent poses a threat to the children," the statement said. New York Attorney. Office of the General.

The state of New York announced last week that it was planning to sue the Trump administration about family separations.

"The Court should order the Defendants to immediately reunite all families separated by these illegal acts," the lawsuit says.

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment.

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