The last eruption of Kilauea is devastating on the Big Island with fiery lava flows and volcanic air pollution.

The West may not have to worry about hurricanes, but volcanoes remain the main threat in this part of the United States.

The United States has 161 active volcanoes – all located in the western United States – but only 18 are classified as "very high threat". US Geological Survey announced in a new report released this week.

These 18 people are considered a "very high" threat because of what is happening within them and their proximity to people.

"Eleven of the 18 volcanoes are located in Washington, Oregon and California, where explosive buildings often covered with snow and ice can project long-range hazards into densely populated and highly developed areas," the report says.

Five of the 18 highest threat volcanoes are in Alaska, near major population centers, economic infrastructure or congested air traffic corridors. The other two are in Hawaii.

The most dangerous volcano in the country is Kilauea in Hawaii, the Big Island volcano that erupted this year. Other places in the top five are St. Helens and Rainier Mountains in Washington, Redoubt Volcano in Alaska, and Mount Shasta in California.

According to the report, the new assessment "is not a prediction or indication of the most likely volcanoes to erupt." It is rather an indicator of the potential severity of the impacts that may result from Future eruptions on a given volcano. "

The threat assessment classifies volcanoes into four other threat categories in addition to "very high" threats: 39 are "high" threats, 49 are "moderate" threats, 34 are "low" threats, and 21 are "high" threats. "very weak" threats.

This is the first update of the agency to the list of the most dangerous volcanoes in the country since 2005.

The report states that 12 volcanoes have jumped in threat level since 2005, while another 20 have decreased in threat level.

The Alaskan Redoubt, Mount Okmok, Akutan Island and Mount Spurr are among the most endangered. Threat scores also increased for Newberry Volcano (Oregon) and Yellowstone (Wyoming).

Contribute: The Associated Press

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