1st Influenza-Related Death Reported in Connecticut: Health Officials


A person recently died from the flu in Connecticut, the first flu-related death in the state this season, according to a report from the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

The details, such as where the patient was treated and the exact date of death, were not disclosed, but officials said the victim was over 65 years old.

"Influenza activity has been slowly increasing in Connecticut since the end of August," officials said.

In addition, when the report was released on October 19, a total of 22 people had been hospitalized in Connecticut for a "laboratory-confirmed influenza" since the end of August.

Of these, 15 were associated with type A (unspecified subtype), 4 with influenza A (H3N2), and 3 with influenza B. An influenza-associated death in a person over 65 years of age has been reported.

"In total, 41 positive laboratory tests for influenza have been reported during the current season (August 26 –

October 13, 2018): New Haven County (15), Hartford (13), Fairfield (6), Litchfield (4) and Windham
(3). Of the positive reports, 28 were influenza A (unspecified subtype), 4 influenza A (H3N2) and 9
were influenza B cases. To date, no influenza A (H1N1 2009) viruses have been identified this season. "

The Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that people be vaccinated against the flu by the end of October, but do not hesitate to add that it is always advantageous to get vaccinated after the end of October.

The United States has been particularly hard hit by the latest influenza season, with tens of thousands of people dying of the virus, including more than 150 in Connecticut.

Image via Shutterstock

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