2 hospitalizations reported in El Paso County in this flu season


COUNTY EL PASO, Colorado (KKTV) – This year's flu season is young but has already resulted in two hospitalizations in El Paso County.

County health officials urge the public to get the flu shot as soon as possible.

"Getting the flu shot every year is the best way to prevent the spread of the flu. The vaccine is safe, effective and will not give you the flu, "said Dr. Robin Johnson, medical director of public health of El Paso County, in a statement released Wednesday. "This is especially important for children, the elderly or those with respiratory problems such as asthma."

The flu season 2017-2018 has been one of the toughest in decades, according to the CDC. In El Paso County, 489 people were hospitalized.

According to the County Health Department, the season usually peaks in January and February, but can rise as early as October and last until May. The symptoms may appear suddenly and include:

– Fever (usually high)
– Headache
– tired
– Cough
– irritated throat
– Aches
– Diarrhea
– Vomiting

Getting the flu shot is your number one defense against the flu. Do not wait to vaccinate your family!

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