2 people injured in apparent shark attacks on same Florida beach


Two people were injured in what appears to be separate shark attacks on the same beach in Florida on Friday.

The two attacks occurred just three minutes apart in Fernandina Beach, Florida, according to the city's fire department. Although none of the people who were bitten could say that they had been attacked by sharks, the fire department described them as "shark bite incidents".

The first attack occurred around 3:35 pm and the second around 3:38 pm. about 1.2 miles further south.

  Fernandina Beach in Florida was closed to swimming after two shark attacks on Friday, July 13, 2018. WJXX
Fernandina Beach, Florida was closed to swimming after two shark attacks on Friday, July 13 2018.

"Both patients would be stable with life-threatening injuries," said Fernandina Beach Fire Department in a press release. "Neither one nor the other patient could tell what type or size of marine life had caused their respective injuries."

The two people bitten were a 17-year-old boy and a 30-year-old man, according to WJXX, a subsidiary of Jacksonville ABC.

"He shouted, he went down and he started jumping and he looked at me and said," I bit a little bit, he started heading towards the beach, "said Tia Walker at WJXX of the 30 -Year, who was first.

"I thought, holy shit, there's a shark. "

Authorities stated that the Ocean Rescue Division was monitoring "dangerous marine life" and that swimming was prohibited "until further notice".

A sheriff's department truck was filmed by a bather who announced that swimmers had to leave the ocean.

"There is a shark in the water that has already bitten two people, please get out of the water", can we hear an official.

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