2 years recovering after quadruple amputation


INDIANAPOLIS – A boy from Indiana is recovering from a mysterious illness that has forced doctors to amputate the lower half of his four limbs. While her family was busy with the news, her mother was about to give birth to her little sister.

Jérémie, 2 years old, started having a fever at the end of September. His family was playing at Rhodius Park the day before. Her mother, Ashley Cox, had just left on maternity leave when Jeremiah started having a fever.

When his parents brought him to Riley Children's Hospital, his condition quickly deteriorated. Purple markings resembling bruises began to cover her body in minutes.

"It's a bit like blood vessels that have really broken down in the body," said his father, Nicholas Thompson, at WXIN.

Thompson added that the doctors called him a disease called Purpura. As for the cause of the symptom, it remains unknown. The emergency room doctors gave him an antibiotic, which killed the disease, and an easy way to determine the cause.

"If they did not give it to him, my son would not be here," said Cox and Thompson. "So, Riley really saved our son."

Before the illness took hold, Jeremy's members lost the pulse of the damage. The doctors had to amputate his four limbs below the knees and elbows to save his life.

"Yes, our life will be very stressful, but we have our son and I am thankful every day," Thompson said.

He does not have a schedule for his return home, but Jeremy remains optimistic. His parents have three other children, but all they have told them is that he is in the hospital. His mother is happy that he stays strong, but fears when he realizes that life is different.

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