A tragic accident in northern New York caused the death of 20 people after the crash of a limousine near Albany. Susana Victoria Perez has more.

Twenty people had died and a quaint community in upstate New York State was in shock and mourning Sunday after the "horrible" crash of a limousine van near a crossroads of winding rural roads.

State Police spokesman Christopher Fiore said the limousine had failed to stop at the intersection of the city of Schoharie and said he was in trouble. was crushed in a parked SUV. Eighteen people in the limousine and two pedestrians were killed in the Saturday crash, he said.

"Everyone inside the limousine was killed," said Fiore.

Schoharie is a city of 3,300 people located about 160 km north of New York. The National Transportation Safety Board was on site. Chairman of the Board Robert Sumwalt said it was the most serious US transportation accident since 2009.

"Twenty dead, it's just horrible," he said.

The accident took place next to the Apple Barrel Country Store and coffee in an area popular with tourists during the leafy season. The owners sent their condolences on Facebook and said the apple barrel was open Sunday to share "hugs" with neighbors.

"It's a wonderful community of people who care about each other," Lod Gallup, who has been working in this store for nearly 60 years, told USA TODAY. "People come, they kiss, they share."

The Ford Excursion 2001 limousine was found in a deep ditch along the roadside. Gallup said that the accident, which she has not witnessed, occurred near the parking lot of the store. She added that she was pleased that the store had opened, despite the extensive investigation taking place outside.

"Being closed would have been more difficult for everyone," she said. "People want to know we're fine."

The 911 calls that followed attracted a phalanx of first responders. At least one of the injured was airlifted to the Albany Medical Center hospital, Fiore said.

"As you may know, there has been a terrible accident in front of our business today," said Apple Barrel in his Facebook message. "We hope you will come to share your smiles, your love, your friendship and your hugs with us."

The store also asked customers to "share your money" in the form of donations to local first responders.

"They are the heroes of our small community," he said.

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