20 theories of crazy Star Wars fans that have been confirmed


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away … Star wars fans have imagined the craziest theories. However, as an interesting plot, many of these theories have become reality. the Star wars The franchise has one of the most loyal fan bases, so fans have spent years presenting the strangest fan theories. Well, it turns out that they are not so weird after all. the Star wars The universe includes movies, television series and other products. The filmmaker George Lucas is the brain that created the Star wars galaxy. The first film debuted in the late 70's and quickly became a major success. In addition, the franchise continues to produce new films. The main films revolve around the Skywalker family, while the series diversifies and creates original spin-offs. Fans line up for days to watch the latest news Star wars film, as he films, creates a hysteria of fans never seen before. The legacy will continue and the movies have transcended time. In fact, it creates new fans every day.

As the number of fans continues to grow, theories of fans are changing as well. They become wilder and more outrageous, and while some fan theories eventually go astray, this is not the case for everyone. In fact, some of the most insane theories were correct. The other predictions were close but a little out of the way. Fans may have laughed at first, but these theories have changed the universe. here is 20 theories of crazy Star Wars fans that have been confirmed.

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Fans will never forget his dark yellow eyes and his devilish smile, while the red and black face of fear is etched in their memories. Episode I: the ghost threat Disappointed with the fans, but the Sith Lord, Darth Maul, left a lasting impression. At the end of the film, Obi-Wan Kenobi defeats Maul and cuts him in half. Maul probably died but the fans did not accept it. Many fans thought that he was using the dark side of the Force to survive. The feeling that it was too interesting to appear in a single movie.

Clone Wars animation series reveals that Maul has survived. He found himself on the planet Junkyard, Lotho Minor, and lived on vermin. He also built mechanical spider legs, which he will later replace with metal legs. He made his return on the big screen in the movie 2018 Solo: A story of Star Wars.


In 1977, Episode IV: A new hope changed cinema forever. The iconic music has gone through the theaters and the inimitable roll has appeared for the first time. It's also when the theories of fans started. In the movie, R2-D2 transmits a message to Obi-Wan Kenobi. At this point, R2 claims that they know each other but Kenobi denies it. The fans immediately thought that Kenobi was lying to protect Luke. Previous films reinforce the theory since they know each other clearly.

The new canon finally confirmed this popular theory. in the Star Wars – New hope: the princess, the scoundrel and the farm boy novel, Kenobi discreetly recognizes his former friendship with the droid. Kenobi said softly, "It's good to fly back with you, my old friend."


There is nowhere to go. There is nowhere to hide. The galaxy is vast but Luke Skywalker can not even hide Star wars Fans. Before Episode VIII: The last Jedi On theaters, fans already had theories. In the force awakens, it is revealed that Luke is hiding on Ahch-To. However, fans pointed out that the Jedi Temple had never been mentioned. They assumed that the temple was hard to find. Fans have soon come up with a theory related to Star Wars Battlefront II the video game. He hit the stores a month before Last jedi went out of. In the game, Luke discovers a rare compass in one of the campaigns.

Fans have speculated that Luke was using this compass to find the Jedi Temple because it seemed too easy for Luke to find the temple by himself. Fans have assumed that the compass was the key to finding Ahch-To and The Last jedi visual dictionary confirms Luke found Ahch-To using the compass.


Jar Jar Binks is one of the most polarizing characters in Star wars. However, one theory suggested that Binks was actually a secret Sith lord and not a brazen jester. He appeared for the first time in The ghost threat but it has sparked a lot of controversy. Critics hated him and George Lucas reduced his role because of the negative reaction.

Rumors soon began to circulate that Binks was revealed to be Darth Jar Jar. Fans highlighted Jar Jar 's speech that convinced the Senate to give Chancellor Palpatine urgent powers. This plays a role in the birth of the Empire and reinforces the theory of supporters that he is a Sith. This theory is partially true. The voice of the actor Ahmed Best expressed Jar Jar in the film. He noted that there were different plans for Jar Jar before the backlash. He also revealed that he had filmed with Senator Palpatine a scene in which they were discussing plans for the Empire. Best said, "No matter where this scene is, it would give great credence to Darth Jar Jar's theory."


In Awakens ForceRey has a horrible dream. In the dream, she sees Kylo Ren leading the Knights of Ren into battle. Fans immediately suspected that The Knights could be connected to Luke Skywalker. However, the Knights remain a mystery. Fans also questioned the fate of Luke's other students and assumed that Kylo had exterminated them.

Fans began to connect the two and predicted that the Knights would be Luke's padawans. Knights did not appear in Last jedi, which disappointed the fans. However, they believe that there was a reference to the Knights. Luke reveals that Kylo betrayed him but also returned his students against him. This confirmed the theory for many fans. However, Luke never stated that the Knights were his alumni.


A minor scene in the 1982 film E.T. the extraterrestrial created the craziest fan theory. Fans began to theorize that AND. and Star wars exist in the same universe. AND. was spinning an alien stranded on the ground. He asks the help of a young boy to go home.

During the Halloween night, E.T. sees a boy disguised as Yoda and shouts "At home!" Most audiences rejected the scene, but not Star wars Fans. They proposed that E.T. recognized Yoda because they came from the same universe. It's one of the craziest theories proposed by fans. Apparently, it's not so wild after all. in the Ghost threat, The foreign compatriots of E.T. are members of the Senate. It is even possible that E.T. is one of them. This has confirmed the long-standing theory for the most loyal fans. Never doubt one Star wars fan.


Leia is more than a princess. She is a general, a leader and a warrior. She also cradles the hairstyle of cinnamon buns better than anyone in the galaxy. For decades, fans have theorized that Leia must be sensitive to the Force, just like her father and brother. This theory appeared in the early 80s, but fans had to wait more than 30 years to find the answer. The original trilogy had many twists, as when Darth Vader was Luke's father. The other big difference is Luke and Leia, brothers and sisters even though they kiss each other New hope.

Audiences assumed that this also involved Leia's Force. However, Leia never uses powers like Luke. On the other hand, she could repeatedly feel Luke and know where he was. This reinforces the fan theory and the following trilogy confirms that she is sensitive to the Force. In fact, she seems to be a very powerful Jedi. In The last Jedishe is able to survive almost dying using force.


When the force awakens was announced, each fan became a five-year-old the night before Christmas. They ran around and bounced off the walls. Because of the excitement, fans have analyzed the trailers many times. In the trailer, fans noticed the name of Poe Dameron on Finn's jacket. The average fans thought that it was only a jacket, but loyal fans knew that it was a clue. It was a minor detail that played a huge role in the film. In fact, they correctly predicted a main plot device.

They theorized that Poe captured by the First Order and Finn would help him escape. During the escape, Poe passes or betrays The Resistance, so Finn would end up with Poe's jacket. The fans correctly predicted the mission and the meeting with Finn. The theory was close and just a little behind. Poe does not pass but Finn assumes he's gone. Poe's jacket went wild around the galaxy.


the force awakens introduces a new mystery that has almost consumed the galaxy. This is an orphan named Rey. Rey seems to be a simple scavenger, but there is more than just what we perceive. One of the most intense theories concerns the identity of his parents. She only remembers being left behind and nothing else, so her mysterious story was sent. Star wars fans in overdrive. They created a million different theories.

The most popular theories suggest that she could be Skywalker, Solo or Kenobi. According to another theory, it is possible that his parents have no real importance. Fans think it's too simple for Luke to be his father and they prefer if she is not related to anyone. In the Last jedifans believe that this theory has become reality, while Kylo tells Rey that her parents were nothing special. This confirmed the theory for many fans. Other fans disagree and predict that Kylo is just lying in Rey.


Darth Vader is scary to the public because his intimidating sight and presence are likely to cause nightmares. This is a central character that does not appear in the following trilogy. However, fans have predicted that it would appear in the Star wars anthology films. In fact, before any leak of intrigues, the fans predicted that Vader would come back. Thief A & # 39;s the first film of the anthology. It takes place just before the events of New hope and he turned around the mission to steal the plans for the death star. The events of Thief A takes place at the height of Vader's power, so it would be almost impossible not to include it in the film. When Disney announced the plot, fans predicted that Darth Vader would be in the movie. Not only that, but the fans quickly understood the role of Darth Vader. They correctly predicted that the film would end with Vader boarding Leia's ship.


Ben Solo dreams of resembling his grandfather, Darth Vader. He turns to the dark side and becomes the evil Sith Lord Kylo Ren. It's a skillful Sith with extraordinary powers. Clearly, he had to learn these skills somewhere. Fans have theorized that Kylo had learned from the greatest Jedi, Luke Skywalker. the force awakens gives no story to Kylo. The film begins with Kylo who is already wreaking havoc. In addition, Luke is hidden because of the arrival of Kylo in power.

Fans correctly predicted that Luke was training Kylo and felt responsible for his actions. The guilt drove him to hide. Although there is a small change. In the Last Jedi, Luke trains Kylo and detects the dark side in him. He is hiding after trying to kill Kylo.


the Star wars Movies features the countless ends of Stormtroopers. Now, a moment of silence for those brave … oh, wait … nobody cares about Stormtroopers. Stormtroopers are nameless, faceless and disposable. However, the following trilogy gives the Stormtroopers more depth. In particular, he focuses on Stormtrooper FN-2187 or Finn. Finn betrays the First Order and later rejoins the Resistance.

During a battle, Finn meets another Stormtrooper. Fans have dubbed this TR-8R character. Many noticed that the two characters seemed to know each other. Fans have predicted that they were friends who fought side by side. In fact, the theory is confirmed in the novel Before waking. Finn and TR-8R followed a common training and became close friends. According to the novel, TR-8R felt personally betrayed by Finn and wanted revenge.


It seems that the Force is strong with a lot of Star wars Fans. That's the only explanation to how they create these wild theories. For example, a fan fiction writer predicted the link of strength between Kylo Ren and Rey. After Awakens Force, a fan wrote a story that featured the Force link and the fan thought Kylo was creating the link when he was interviewing Rey Awakens Force. This allows them to communicate. The fan theory was incredibly similar. Indeed, it is one of the most accurate. in the Last jedi, Kylo and Rey have a special connection. This allows them to talk to each other across the galaxy. The Supreme Guide Snoke creates a mental bridge between them to make this possible. However, this Star wars the fan was ahead of the curve.


the Star wars the producers should have known that there is no idea or detail that fans will not notice. For example, the force awakens the trailers had fans asking the same question. "Uh, where's Luke?" He was obviously absent from the trailers. This resulted in a million different theories of fans. One theory suggested that he became a Sith Lord named Kylo Ren. Of course, this theory was wrong.

However, there is always this fan who understands it. The fan thought that Luke was exiled on his own, probably because he felt that the Jedi were bad for the universe. The fan was strangely accurate with the prediction. The only thing that has escaped the theory is his training Kylo Ren and the latter turning to the dark side.


From the beginning, fans predicted that Kylo Ren would turn on Supreme Guide Snoke. They theorized that Kylo would turn towards the light of the Force. Most fans have assumed that this would happen in the final movie. However, a new theory emerged after the publication of a Last jedi trailer. The trailer hints that Kylo became a thief and betrayed Snoke. The theory suggested that Kylo turns to The First Order to save his mother, Leia. He also predicted that Kylo would betray the supreme guide Snoke in the second film, not the third. The first part of the theory was wrong, but Kylo betrays Snoke. In fact, he teamed with Rey to defeat Snoke. Whatever it is, Kylo is not one of the good guys. Instead, he wants to rule the galaxy with Rey.


Luke Skywalker is a powerful Jedi who brings a balance to the Force. He went from a naïve farm boy to a fearless Jedi. It is safe to assume that there would not be Star wars without Luke. However, it appears only briefly at the end of Force Awakens. He is such an important character that his small role has created gigantic theories. Fans have predicted that he would play a role similar to that of Obi-Wan Kenboi. The theory was reinforced by the fact that Luke looked like Kenobi, since he had a similar dress and beard. They predicted that he was hiding a little in the Kenobi way and thought that he would come back to train another Jedi. In fact, the theory is quite accurate, Luke becoming essentially Obi-Wan Kenobi of the new trilogy. He trains Rey and is the wise old man who does not tell the whole story.


In New hopeLuke Skywalker is just starting to learn about the Force. It is quickly becoming one of the most powerful in the galaxy. He is constantly evolving and discovering more about the Force. However, fans have speculated that it was time to add a new power to the Force.

At the end of Last jedi, Luke shows a new power never seen before. In deep meditation, it can be in two places. One is a hologram that can interact with other characters. This new power should have sent shockwaves through the fan base. However, they already thought that he would have a new power. Mark Hamill revealed that he had turned a complex scene with special effects. The fact that he shot such a scene put the fans aside and assumed, rightly, that the special effects were for his new powers.


In 2016, Carrie Fisher sadly passed away. She became world famous for her role as Princess Leia and her passage has devastated fans around the world. Before his death, fans formulated many theories about the latest installment of the next trilogy. They noticed that Awakens Force focused on Han Solo and Last jedi on Luke Skywalker. Fans have assumed Episode IX focus on Leia. Later, Mark Hamill confirmed the theory. He said, "She deserved the second act." Harrison was more important in VIII am more prominent in this one, and she was supposed to be more prominent in the latter. Fisher finished filming Episode IX before his death and that is his last film role.


For more than 30 years, a Star wars the theory continued to grow larger and larger. Fans refused to believe that the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy was gone. Boba Fett may have been a bad guy but fans still liked him. However, his apparent disappearance has disappointed the fans. In Episode VI: Return of the jediFett falls into Sarlacc's grave and never comes back. Fans were sad to see him leave in such an anti-climax way. However, other fans began to predict that he was still alive. This theory started because C-3PO points out that the pit has a slow digestive system. Fans felt that meant that Fett could escape. Star wars Historian J.W. Rinzler confirmed that Fett had survived. He said, "Yes, that's right, I've been to meetings with George where he confirmed that Fett had survived, if it comes from George, then it's true." However, it is not clear if Fett is still alive in the new canon.


Star wars is known for its terrible intrigues because it leaves the audience speechless and shocked countless times. However, fans are still looking for the next rebound. They assume that one of the new characters is hiding a secret. Poe Dameron is one of the best pilots in the galaxy, but he is also one of the good guys but fans have a hard time trusting him.

Fans have predicted that Poe is a double agent secretly working for the First Order. They emphasize his interrogation as a clue since the fans have the impression that he has too easily abandoned the information. Later, The last Jedi The trailers allude to Poe organizing a mutiny, so the fans feel it confirms their suspicions. The theory is actually half correct. In The last Jedi, Poe staged a mutiny against his superiors. However, he did not work secretly for the First Order, but he had a divergence of opinion and was taking extreme measures. In the end, he fights the first order.

Which of these did you know? Let us know in the comments!

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