20 things Harry and Ginny did between the Deathly Hallows and the Cursed Child


In the last twenty years, Harry Potter has changed the game in many ways. Although some aspects of history may seem a little out of date today, it still means a lot to many people. More importantly, he still has a vibrant and lively fan community, which still produces stories, speeches and fan drawings to this day. Even if the wizarding world is expanding, for better or for worse, fans still have a lot of leeway to be creative.

Yes, there are so many pairs in the wizarding world. One of the biggest stories in the books is the romance between Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. After all these two went through over seven books plus a play, they deserved their happy ending. Perhaps we must ask ourselves how much this end is happy with the anguish and drama of Harry Potter and the cursed child, but overall, they seem to be a healthy and loving couple.

Even then, there is a gap of 19 years between the end of Deathly Hallows and the beginning of The accursed child. What happened in this space? How did they prosper in the early post-war period? What did they do? Well, we have these answers ready to help you. It's time to see what happened to this couple once the last book closed and before the curtain rises.

here is 20 things that Harry and Ginny did between The Deathly Hallows And The accursed child.

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20 They came back together

Harry and Ginny parted at the end of The Half-Blood Prince after only a few months of dating. It was a choice made to protect Ginny from Death Eater attacks after Dumbledore's defeat. Who knows how good it was, since she still has a target on her back. Despite everything, they were separated during the Battle of Hogwarts. This means that they did not return together after the end of the war.

We do not know when or how they met, but it was probably between 1998 and 2000.

They could barely stand to be separated during The Deathly Hallows so this could indicate a relatively quick meeting.

19 They got married

This one is a bit obvious, but still true. Between the end of The Deathly Hallows and the beginning of The accursed child, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley ended up tying the knot. We are almost certain that there was not a dry eye in the house during this ceremony. We know that the time was relatively short after the war concluded that the two men were married.

While they had children in 2005, we will not assume they were married at that time, although we probably can not imagine Molly Weasley being happy about that.

18 They had two sons and one daughter

Yes, this happy couple had three children during their marriage: James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna. Given the age of James Sirius at the beginning of The accursed childWe know he was born in 2004 or 2005. It's probably after the first half of his career that Ginny came up, which we will discuss later. On top of that, they already had several years of marriage and marriage under their belt.

It is ripe enough for them to wait for the safety of their work before starting a family.

It is safe to say that their children have definitely had their own adventures, including Albus.

17 Ginny graduated from Hogwarts, but Harry did not do it.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, the newly elected Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, offered former members of Dumbledore's army the chance to become Aurors without having passed their test report. Harry and Ron decided not to return to Hogwarts and help rebuild the wizarding world as Aurors. The duo could do a lot of good in the time they worked together.

Ginny, however, graduated with Hermione Granger, who also returned for her Hogwarts degree. It is unclear whether she should repeat her sixth year or whether she is allowed to move on to grade seven, despite the unrest that occurred during the year Voldemort led the wizarding world.

16 Harry does with Dudley

For a relatively minor recurring character, it is safe to say that Dudley Dursley has certainly experienced the most important development.

While Petunia and Vernon would never succeed in overcoming their hatred of Harry, Dudley definitely wanted to be forgiven for his cousin.

It is still tragic that the handshaking scene, which warns both of them on the way to repair, was cut off from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part One. Nevertheless, between the two Deathly Hallows and The accursed childHarry and Dudley repaired their relationship. Yes, this will always result from the way Harry grew up with the Dursley, but at least Dudley corrected his behavior. Let's hope that if a Dursley goes to Hogwarts, he'll have a Potter to help him.

15 They help raise Lupine and son of Tonks

If anyone could understand what Teddy Lupine (pictured here by hueco-mundo) went through while growing up, then it would be his godfather, Harry Potter. While Teddy was mainly raised by his grandmother, Andromeda Tonks, Harry and Ginny both participated actively in his life. Unlike Neville, who was also raised by his grandmother, Teddy has always had a large extended family with which to spend time.

Helping Andromeda raise the young Metamorphagus may have prepared Harry and Ginny to raise their own children. More importantly, it shut Harry a little to his godfather, Sirius. Be that as it may, it is safe to assume that Teddy had an interesting and loving childhood.

14 Ginny played Quidditch professionally

After graduating from Hogwarts, Ginny was recruited by the women's Quidditch team, the Holyhead Harpies. She was going to play for the team for several years. She does not know when she retired, even though we assume it may have been a while before she was pregnant with James Sirius. She played Chaser during this time, as she did during her tenure at Hogwarts.

The Holyhead Harpies are the only female-only team in the Anglo-Irish Quidditch League.

While there, Ginny was probably led by Slug Club alumni Gwenog Jones. Jones was definitely known for his temper on and off the pitch. Given the famous Bat Bogey Hex Ginny, the two get along pretty well.

13 Harry appeared on a chocolate frog card

In the years following the Second War of the Wizards, new Chocolate Frog cards were added for its heroes. Of course, Harry appeared on one of them, but Ron and Hermione also, which is apparently something Ron sees as "his best time".

Being a famous Quidditch player, she hoped that Ginny would finally come out with her own Chocolate Frog card. If that's not the case, then perhaps for her role in the Battle of Hogwarts, when she put the students safe while the Golden Trio led her horcrux hunt. Unfortunately, the status of Ginny's Chocolate Frog Card has not been determined yet.

12 Harry made peace with Malfoy

Dudley was not the only enemy of his childhood with which Harry made peace after the Second Wizarding War. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, longtime school foes, also proceeded to their own process of reconciliation after the war. Seeing his family suffering at the hands of Lord Voldemort during the war caused a change of vision of the pureblood for Draco. It also caused Harry and him to make amends.

Like the delicate relationship between Harry and Dudley, there was always discomfort between them.

Of course, new fences had to be repaired to make their sons better friends on the train ride to Hogwarts. We all know how this story ends.

11 Ginny wrote for the Daily Prophet

After retiring from professional Quidditch, Ginny will go to work at The daily prophet. His role in the sports section as a Quidditch correspondent. This makes a lot of sense as many professional athletes do the same after they retire. She probably would have risen through the ranks to finally pose as a senior Quidditch correspondent.

Presumably, she would also travel for work, at least for the World Cups where they took place. In 2014, Ginny (under the responsibility of Ginny Potter) covered the Quidditch World Cup, to which his family had joined for the final. Set in the desert of Patagonia, the finals took place between Brazil and Bulgaria.

ten Harry was the youngest Auror in Chief

After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Ron made the decision not to return for the last year to school. Instead, they became Aurors with the ministry, which was Harry's career aspiration in the first place. They worked together as Aurors for two years before Ron left to help his brother George with Wizard Weasley Wizard Wheezes. After that, Harry stayed in the division while Hermione was working for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

When he was 26 or 27, Harry went to Head Auror's office.

This makes him the youngest wizard to hold such a position. He ended up staying there for many years.

9 Ginny Hexed Rita Skeeter

It's perhaps the coolest thing that one or the other has done after Hogwarts – or at least, the most emotionally satisfying for longtime Potterheads. During the coverage of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, Ginny Weasley (as a Quidditch correspondent) covered the event with The Daily Prophet 's Rita Skeeter.

Skeeter apparently still had the same unattractive journalistic style that she had always had. She would end by pointing out that Harry Potter was alwayshungry advertising."At that moment, Ginny apparently threw her into the solar plexus. Thus, several generations of Potter the fans had a unique cathartic experience in the world. Rita apparently had "sick"According to Ginny.

8 They made a family trip in 2014

Ginny may have had his moment of glory at the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, but Harry was also there with their three children. Before the onset of illness, Rita Skeeter kept her eyes on the VIP stand where Potter's family and friends sat.

During that time, eight-year-old Albus nearly dropped out of the VIP box, Ron saving him at the last minute.

Harry just handed Luna a treat to his seemingly indifferent son. During the match, it was revealed that Harry was wearing a cut, thanks to his work with the Auror Department. He also introduced his children to his friend Viktor Krum at one point.

7 The portrait of Harry Hung Snape at the Hogwarts office

It is a tradition that when a director perishes, his portrait joins the previous director of the Hogwarts director's office. Following his disappearance, however, Snape's portrait was not fortunate enough to be placed in the director's office. Many people felt that having a portrait of the Death Eater who had ended Albus Dumbledore had not sent a good message. Some have debated the validity of his appointment to this position.

However, Harry was campaigning for the portrait of Snape's director to hang in the office because of his service as a double agent for the Order of the Phoenix. Even though the two men had great animosity towards each other, it proved that Harry was ready to forgive the man and to make sure that we would remember him as a hero.

6 Harry was driving Sirius's bike

The bike that the young Sirius Black offered Hagrid to take Harry to Dumbledore and the Dursley was prominently featured in the first few pages of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This is also an important part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where Harry rides her to escape the clutches of Voldemort during the Battle of the Seven Potters.

After the war, Hagrid gave Harry Sirius the bike, as his godfather would have liked.

Presumably, he rode at one point since he and Ron both have their license. There is really something poetic in the motorcycle's arc, is not it?

5 Harry lost his gift of Parseltongue

Throughout the seven books of the Harry Potter frankly, it was fairly well established that Harry could speak to snakes, even though he had not had the name of the name until the second book when Hermione, unsurprisingly, informed him that he could speak Parseltongue. The ability would reappear from time to time throughout the series until the true developer hits.

Harry himself did not have the ability of Parseltongue. It was rather a sign that he was a ship for Voldemort's horcrux. Although this was certainly helpful in ridding the world of the Dark Lord once and for all, he disappeared when Voldemort's Horcrux to Harry perished. Since then, Harry has lost all understanding of the language of snakes.

4 Sports Editor of the Daily Prophet

After being a Quidditch correspondent for years, Ginny would eventually take charge of the sports section of The daily prophet. We do not know exactly when it happened, but we know that it happened between 2014 and 2017/2018 because of the events of The cursed child.

Given her dedication and passion for Quidditch, her intelligence, and her sense of leadership, it's a perfect job for Ginny.

In her role as sports editor, Ginny probably had a group of writers reporting on the various sports events of the Wizarding World – mainly Quidditch, but there is also a professional league of gobstones. So who knows how many sports there are?

3 Harry became director of the magical law enforcement department

After leading the Auror Division, probably after Hermione Granger's victory as Minister of Magic, Harry Potter became Director of the Magical Law Enforcement Department. His new position requires him to oversee the larger department of the Department of Magic. Also, presumably, like Amelia Bones before him, he should preside at a full Wizengamot trial at the proper time.

He would also be responsible for departments such as the Bureau of the Misuse of Magic, the Hit Wizards, the various administrative divisions, the misuse of muggle artifacts and about half a dozen d & # 39; other. Hopefully, he will continue to ensure that such departments remain free of the corruption that caused the Second Wizarding War.

2 Harry helped reform the Ministry of Magic

It's easy to see that the Ministry of Magic was extremely corrupt as Harry Potter grew up in the series. Under the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, there was a revolutionary approach to clean up the ministry. However, to be fair, the department could not have reached more lows, without us trying to see it try.

The new aurors Harry Potter and Ron Weasley helped revolutionize the aurora department. After graduating from Hogwarts, Hermione Granger would also bring her ideas and common sense to the Ministry of Magic.

Eventually, they managed to make ministry and the wizarding world a better place for their own children.

Everything was fine, after all– until the Cursed child started anyway.

1 They became godparents of Ron and Hermione's children

The Golden Trio were the closest friends and confidants. In the end, is it really such a big surprise to be sponsoring each other's children? In 2005, Harry and Ginny named Ron and Hermione godfathers of James Sirius Potter. When Rose Granger-Weasley was born a year later, Ron and Hermione returned the favor. Presumably, they were the godfathers of each other's children to make sure that all the children were in the same household in case the worst happened.

It was just an example to show the connection that the Golden Trio and Ginny share.

The worst has not happened, but it is good to know that they are related as a family.

What did Harry and Ginny do after the end of the Harry Potter series? Let us know in the comments!

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