20 things that everyone has to blame is always sunny in Philadelphia


Few programs have been on the air as long as It's always sunny in Philadelphia without losing what made the series so great in the first place. The sitcom, which began in 2005, is currently in its 13th season on FXX.

Once again, the Gang lives up to its old shenanigans. Even after 140 episodes and count, It's always sunny rarely seems to repeat itself. The rare occasions when a rehearsal occurs, as seen this season with "The Gang Beats Boggs: Reboot Ladies," are almost always made on purpose – which only adds a layer of hilarity to those who watch the show regularly.

Of course, It's always sunny was far from being a resounding success. After the first season, the sitcom was about to cancel before being brought back to life by Danny DeVito under the name of Frank Reynolds. The series had a small cult that has grown exponentially over the years. He has impregnated pop culture in many ways, from kitten mittens to Green Man to Day Law. Like any big show that fans obsess, The weather is always good do not miss stories behind the scenes. A large number of them have been confirmed by the actors, while others seem to have been misinterpreted over the years or simply assumed by casual viewers.

From the humble beginnings of the series and the reason behind Rob McElhenney's epic weight gain, let's look at 20 things that everyone is wrong about the fact that it's always nice in Philadelphia.

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20 The McPoyles went out in the fire of the apartment

It's always sunny There is no shortage of weird secondary characters that appear every few seasons. This was the case of Liam and Ryan McPoyle, who appeared sporadically in seasons one through nine. They last appeared in "The Squash Gangs", where they are invited to the Mac and Dennis apartment for a Thanksgiving dinner in hopes of being forgiven.

Inevitably, things go off the rails and the Gang ends up locking up their guests in the apartment when it catches fire. It's easy to assume that the twins may have known death, especially when they are noticeably absent from the season 11 episode, "McPoyle Vs. Ponderosa: the lawsuit of the century ". However, it was briefly mentioned that twins are still alive, even though we have not seen them for years.

19 Frank is the father of Dennis and Dee

Frank Reynolds appeared for the first time in the show's second season as father of Dee and Dennis Reynolds. Although there may not be much physical resemblance, it was not hard to believe that Frank had raised the twins – because Dennis and Dee were as despicable and involved as their father. However, those who have paid special attention know that Frank is not their biological father, but their legal guardian.

The real father of Dennis and Bruce, Bruce Mathis, has even appeared in recent seasons.

It has also been revealed that Frank is almost certainly Charlie's biological father, but that's not something Gang likes to talk about.

18 "The Gang Beats Boggs" was based on a real life record

The first game of season ten revealed that the group was flying for a cross-country flight in order to break the record of former Major League Baseball player Wade Boggs. This disc involved seeing how many drinks they could consume, which was based on legendary stories of Boggs's real-life feats. The number on which they settled for the episode was 70 drinks, and the fact that Wade Boggs himself agreed to participate in the series seemed to confirm that this mythical story was a fact.

In an interview for the series, Charlie Day said that during the shooting, Boggs had told him that his actual record was 107. Although it may sound closer to the truth, it would probably have made the episode already unfathomable as ridiculous.

17 The Birds Act is imaginary

Charlie may not be the most educated of the gang himself – he would not even know what that word means. Yet the king of rats still considers himself a scholar in law. His speciality? Birds Act, of course. The band often makes fun of Bird Law, thinking it's another product of Charlie's extravagant imagination. In this respect, Charlie could be closer to the truth than his friends realize.

Although there are many regulations that protect wildlife in general, birds benefit from their own federal law under the Migratory Birds Treaty Act, 1918.

This law protects over 800 species of birds, many of which originate in Philadelphia.

This is probably not what Charlie has in mind when talking about Bird Law, but that does not mean that it's totally imaginary.

16 Danny DeVito joined the show because he was a fan

Most fans of It's always sunny know that Danny DeVito has not always been a member of the Gang. Instead, he first appeared as Frank Reynolds in the second season. McElhenny and the others were worried about how DeVito would fit into the series, but when given the ultimatum to add a star or face cancellation, they decided to do it. welcome DeVito into the team.

Although it was said that DeVito had joined the show because he was a fan, the fact was that John Landgraf, FX's president, was already friends with DeVito. This, coupled with the fact that DeVito's kids were fans of the series, is what prompted the veteran actor to sign up for the sitcom.

15 The pilot was shot for only $ 200

People like a good underdog story, so it's often said that the driver of It's always sunny was fired for $ 200, but that's not quite accurate. What McElhenney, Howerton and Day did originally was closer to a short film or a TV movie, which they titled It's always sunny on TV.

The project has never been released, but it has been used to go around the concept with different networks.

Day also said that he did not know where the $ 200 price came from, as the project would likely cost a lot less, their only expenses being the camcorder tapes and the pizza. The pilot project was obviously designed with a much larger budget and had a different story. However, they ended up using some portions of the unscheduled pilot for the season one episode "Charlie Has Cancer."

14 The show is extremely controversial

We could fill a whole list of the vile things the gang was involved with. In fact, we did it. But that still does not allow us to list all the obscene things that these bar owners have done over the last thirteen years.

To pretend to have cancer to pretend the funeral of a baby, one would think that It's always sunny would be under fire regularly. As controversial as the number of topics is, the show does not talk much about its obscene. In an interview, Day and Howerton attribute this to the fact that characters are often the target of the joke. They can do horrible things, but the public is always making fun of the gang more than anyone else.

13 Charlie is an only child

Charlie being an only child is not just a mistake that many viewers seem to commit; it is one of the faults of the authors of the series. The only family that seems to have Charlie throughout the series is his mother and his scary uncle. In fact, Frank is probably his biological father, which probably makes Dee and Dennis probably his half-siblings.

In the first season of the show, it is mentioned that Charlie has a younger sister.

She may even appear during Charlie's intervention without ever being mentioned. For the sake of simplicity, the authors may have deliberately ignored this point of intrigue ever since.

12 The series is shot in Philadelphia

Although they do a great job of making the show appear in South Philadelphia, most of the show is shot in Los Angeles – which partly explains why it's always sunny in Philadelphia.

Of course, a number of iconic places had to be filmed in The City of Brotherly Love. Otherwise, it makes a lot more sense to shoot the series in Southern California. Even the outside of Paddy's Pub is filmed just outside of downtown LA, which could spoil some of the magic of the show for some. That being said, Rob McElhenny and Kaitlin Olson opened a real bar in Philadelphia in 2010, which they titled Mac's Tavern.

11 Everyone was friends before the show started

As McElhenney, Howerton and Day have been part of the series since the very beginning, it is easy to think that everyone in the gang was friends before the show started. Excluding Danny DeVito, of course, who did not appear before the second season.

While the three male stars were friends even before the show was resumed, Kaitlin Olson was actually not part of the original group.

In the unpublished pilot, this character was rather played by Jordan Reid, McElhenney's girlfriend. However, the two parted before the show was commissioned by FX, leading to Olson's eventual casting. Olson was even reluctant to take on this role because Dee was originally supposed to be the "hetero" character. Fortunately, Olson has been able to present Dee with her own series of exceptional grumpy comedies, making her the backpack we know and love today.

ten The characters would always own a bar

What would be It's always sunny to be without Paddy's Pub? The dive bar has been featured in almost every episode of the series so far, and it's hard to imagine another type of work for these egocentric lowlives.

The original idea of ​​the series did not turn at all to the bar owners, but rather against a group of actors in the making. ThIt was a sitcom scenario that seemed too familiar to me. Since much of the concept was about a group of friends who had nothing to do with themselves during the day, McElhenney and the others ended up shifting character professions from role to barmending. This certainly did not prevent the gang from presenting a number of theatrical performances throughout the series.

9 He was always put in Philadelphia

Rob McElhenney may be from Philadelphia, but originally the show was not designed to take place in his hometown. Instead, the unpublished pilot project took place in Los Angeles, which made sense only since McElhenney and the other actors were struggling to break into Hollywood at the time.

After the series was taken over by FX, the concept has undergone several modifications.

Apparently, there were too many sitcoms in Los Angeles underway at that time and they wanted the series to be more differentiated. As a result, the story was eventually moved to the East Coast and the title was also changed. It's always sunny on TV at It's always sunny in Philadelphia.

8 They are not sober on the set

There seems to be no substance that the band would not want to put in their bodies, but it seems that their favorite indulgence is by far what they have behind the Paddy's Pub bar. A number of episodes are intended to chronicle the group's unhealthy relationship with alcohol consumption, and all the actors play the drunkard so convincingly that it is not hard to imagine that there could be real consumption behind the scenes.

However, the actors have repeatedly said that, however real these moments are, they never actually drink on camera. This would not only make a whole day of filming infinitely more difficult, but it would also be a serious insurance problem.

7 Where does Dayman come from?

The finale of season four, titled "The Nightman Cometh," is unquestionably one of the most popular episodes of the series. He follows Charlie as he tries to direct a rock opera with the band that completes the cast, including Dennis as Dayman and Mac as Nightman. The story and the songs have become so successful that they have even been turned into a real musical on stage, performed live by distribution in several cities.

Many fans forget that the idea of ​​the musical came a season earlier.

The iconic song of Dayman had even been previously performed by Dennis and Charlie in the episode where Dee goes out with a rapper whose suspects could be reached.

6 Charlie does not know how to drive

Charlie is perhaps the most considerate member of the gang, but he is also, in many ways, the most incompetent. He can barely read, he does not have exactly the best memory, and he has spent most of his life too scared to leave Philadelphia. One reason is that Charlie does not seem to know how to drive. It's probably for the best considering the fact that it can not tell the difference between the words "Coors" and "Closed".

However, in a previous episode of the series, Charlie managed to get behind the wheel. Since then, we have been led to believe that instead of Charlie knowing he can not drive, he simply forgets it from time to time.

5 McElhenney only gained weight because it was funny

What is kept It's always sunny The series' willingness to take risks has been so successful over the years. The writers are not afraid to make a musical, to enclose a story in a single place or to film an entire episode as if we were in the spirit of Frank Reynolds. This daring has never been more obvious than when Rob McElhenney decided to take another 50 pounds for season seven.

It might seem that McElhenney was just cascading for some additional viewers and is drawing some extra laughs from each episode.

In fact, McElhenney stated that the real reason he had gained weight was that the stars of other successful sitcoms seemed to become more and more appealing as the show progressed, which is rarely the case in the real life.

4 Much of the show is improvised

As absurd as many lines of the plot of It's always sunny perhaps, the dialogue of the series appears as extremely naturalistic. The characters mumble, they talk to each other and they do not always have much sense. It may seem that the actors are just spitting at each other until they get the funniest catch. Kaitlin Olson previously worked as an improvisational comedian, after all.

However, even though the show may seem highly improvised, the actors said that much of the dialogue came straight from the page. As most stars work both in front of and behind the camera, they have the ability to change lines at any time, but to make the dialogue as spontaneous and naturalistic ultimately demonstrates the performer's ability to perform.

3 Critics do not like it

Despite being on the air for over 13 years, It's always sunny in Philadelphia did not manage to win a single Emmy. In fact, the series has never even been nominated for Outstanding Comedy or Outstanding Writing. Instead, the sitcom has been recognized for its exceptional coordination of stunts only three years in a row – which she also has not won. It may seem that critics do not like the show as much as the fans.

In fact, the series was hailed by critics throughout its run, which resulted in near perfect scores on rotten tomatoes.

McElhenney, Howerton and Day even mocked their lack of an Emmy nomination in the episode of Season 9, "The gang is desperately trying to win a prize".

2 Charlie Day and Mary Elizabeth Ellis met while they were working on the series

Most fans of the series know that Rob McElhenney and Kaitlin Olson are married in real life. This is also the case of Charlie Day and Mary Elizabeth Ellis – who embody the recurring character of the waitress and Charlie's unrequited interest throughout the series.

As McElhenney and Olson met during the show, it's easy to assume the same for Day and Ellis. However, these two had already been meeting years ago while they were working in the theater in New York. They even appeared together as scary brothers and sisters in an episode of Reno 911! before The weather is always good even started. Day and Ellis got married just a year after the start of the long sitcom, and they've been together ever since.

1 McElhenney, Howerton and Day write all episodes

With McElhenney as creator of the series and Howerton and Day as executive producers, the trio has maintained a ton of creative control over the sitcom ever since. It's always sunny has begun.

In the early seasons of the series, almost every episode was written or designed by McElhenney, Howerton or Day – which is no small feat. This trend has not actually continued in recent seasons.

Although the tone of the series is still the same, new writers continue to be recruited each season.

This season, McElhenney and Day will have written a single episode of the season finale, titled "Mac Finds His Pride".

Which of these It's always sunny in Philadelphia myths did you think was true? Let us know!

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