2018 FIFA World Cup: For fans of Panama, the joy of a first World Cup appearance outweighs the pain of a humiliating defeat in England


Nizhny Novgorod"Ole, Ole, Ole … Panama, Panama!" Rang the Nizhny Novgorod stadium, the score potentially demoralizing an insignificant concern. The fans of Panama, excited even in defeat, have now had a real moment to release their cheerfulness. A first goal of the World Cup, in a match described as "harder group" by coach Hernan Dario Gomez.

The mood of the party had been established early. The night before, on the popular Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, Panama's supporters gathered in large numbers to make their presence felt. Financially, it was a discouraging prospect for many in the country of four million people to visit Russia for the World Cup – estimates range from six to eight thousand dollars if you watched Panama play the three group games.

Panamanian fans react after the Group G match of the 2018 Russia World Cup against England. AFP

Panamanian fans react after the Group G match of the 2018 Russia World Cup against England. AFP

But many have taken what they consider to be a unique opportunity. According to the supporters, the bizarre turn of events in the CONCACAF qualifying phase should not be repeated. Panama has been the main beneficiary of a forgettable campaign for regional heavyweights of the United States of America. Although Los Canaleros (The Men of the Canal) can return to the World Cup in 2026 when it will rise to 48 teams – this trip could prove cheaper for fans of Panama as it will be organized jointly by the United States. United, Canada and Mexico – about 4,000 The fans did not want to miss the opportunity to see their team in action during its first appearance.

It was a beginning that brought several lessons at home. The technical and tactical inefficiencies of the Panama side were brutally exposed; the first 45 minutes against Belgium, when the Central Americans managed to thwart the opposition, now seem an aberration. Discipline was another problem in the Panama game, the second penalty conceded against England on Sunday was a sign of desperate fouling because nothing else was working.

However, this World Cup has also been the opportunity to learn more about Panama and its fans. The fans were distinguished by vociferous vocals, brilliant disposition and disarming good humor, even when things went wrong. They were also eager to share information on Panamanian football. But most importantly, they want the world to know that their team has done it. The night before the game against England, the Panamanians, outnumbered, outperformed their English counterparts in the city center.

Noisy support continued inside the stadium on a hot Sunday here. The fans were dressed in the red, blue and yellow colors of their team, standing in unison when they had a glimpse of their luck. The mood was somewhat tempered by the five-goal concession before halftime but the fans found their voices in the last period.

After 78 minutes, the day before found her catharsis. Satisfaction came on the shoulders of the most respected character of the team. Felipe Baloy, 37, has seen Panama through its dark years. The decision of the defender to hang his boots after this World Cup will be softened by his historic intervention. This was not any other purpose. A look at the faces of the fans of Panama has said everything. Delirium surpasses them; tears, smiles and screams on one face. A look "what just happened" appears on the face.

The fact that it was Baloy who scored the goal did not miss them. He was there when Panama was part of the hundreds of teams that could only dream of playing in the World Cup. Now they were all part of it.

Finally, the fans of Panama left happy with the work of the day. The only goal in a 1-6 loss is the possibility of a better future for their favorite team. There is still the match against Tunisia on Thursday in Saransk and fans believe that their first point in the World Cup will not have to wait for the next tournament.

Panamanians in Russia still have a few days to appreciate this opportunity. Even if nine goals were conceded in the first two days, the party may last a bit. As emphasized by supporters, players and coach Gomez, it is to participate in the World Cup. Everything else comes as a bonus. Their perception of the World Cup deserves some auditions. All bad results should not be a referendum on the place of the poorest nations in the tournament.

As Panama has shown against Belgium, it can offer a resolute display even when the odds are stacked against the team. Even though the strongest outfit will surpass Los Canaleros In most cases, the experience will only make Panama better – a coach that Gomez was keen to point out. The benefits could begin to appear in the next few years. For fans who are going to count the cost of this trip for the next few years, thanks to the credit borrowed to get there, the experience of the visit to a World Cup has already enriched them.

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