2018 Ryder Cup format, score, four-ball and four-game rules, cover, calendar


The 2018 Ryder Cup has officially arrived and, while many hardcore golf fans have music, many casual observers may need explanations as to why there are nearly 7,500 maniacs during the first songs, mocking and gaffes during the best kind of chaos in golf this season. We have already seen a senseless variety of shots, results and reactions on the first day of action at Golf National, and this will surely continue if we watch more high quality golf from the world's best players over the course of two years. next days.

As a reminder, Saturday in Paris continues the opening format with two-on-two matches between the United States and Europe at four balls to open the day and four in the post-season. midday. The last day will be 12 singles games. Historically, the team that started the warmest won the entire Ryder Cup, and I doubt that this year will be different. In fact, the last two times the United States won the Ryder Cup, the morning games started on the first day, combined 7-1-0.

In this spirit, let's see how it will be for three days in Paris with a look at the rules, format and timing of the 2018 Ryder Cup.

Format of the 2018 Ryder Cup, Rules

The Ryder Cup will take place in Paris from Friday 28 September to Sunday 30 September. The first two days of Ryder Cup action will include separate sessions with different types of golf. Golfers from the United States and Europe will compete for four-ball action early in the day and foursomes later in the day. On Sunday, golfers will play singles games. Below, we break down each type of match you will see this week.

Four balls: Teams of two golfers representing each country face each other. Each of the four golfers plays his own ball and the best score of a single player counts for his team for that hole. For example, if Justin Rose and Rory McIlroy fight against Tiger Woods and Justin Thomas, and Rose realizes a birdie on the first hole but the rest of the players win a tie, Europe gets a 3 , the United States gets a 4 and Europe goes away. 1 up.

foursomes: Teams of two golfers representing each country face each other. This time, however, players must stop hitting the same ball until it falls into the cup. Players must stop hitting the tee shots regardless of who made the putt on the previous hole. The score remains the same style of play, but there is more strategy at stake, and the United States has had difficulties in this format in recent years.

Simple: Sunday consists of 12 face-to-face matches played during the day.

2018 Ryder Cup scoring

Rating (for both): The winner of each hole receives a single point; if the score is equal (as if both teams are birdie), no points are awarded. If the US wins the first hole, loses the next hole and divides the next three by three, the game is considered square. If the United States wins the hole after that, they will be considered 1 place. At the end of each match, the winning team earns one point for their country (or 0.5 if it is equal). A match may end earlier if the winning team has more holes than they have left to play. The winner of each singles match wins a point (or 0.5 s' he is even).

2018 Ryder Cup Events Calendar

All Eastern times

Day 2 – Saturday, September 29

Session 1 (four balls) begins: 2 a.m
Session 2 (quartet) begins: 7:45

Early TV coverage: 2-3 hours on the Golf Channel
Live TV coverage: From 3h to 13h on NBC

Live streaming online: From 2h to 13h on RyderCup.com

Post-match press conferences: Live on RyderCup.com

Day 3 – Sunday, September 30

Simple: 6 am

Live TV coverage: 6 am to 1 pm on NBC
Live streaming online: 6 am to 1 pm on RyderCup.com

Presentation of the trophy / closing ceremony: Live on RyderCup.com

Post-match press conferences: Live on RyderCup.com

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