2018 Voter Registration Deadlines: Register to Vote Before November 6


The mid-term elections are fast approaching, but visiting polling stations on election day, Tuesday, November 6, will not help if you do not register to vote in advance. .

This election season has been marked by severe divisions between Republicans and Democrats, particularly with regard to the recent confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court. According to a recent poll SurveyMonkey / theSkimm / Hive, about 62% of Americans consider this electoral cycle to be more important than the others in the medium term of their lives.

The November elections will decide whether Republicans will retain their position in the House and Senate. According to New York Times, 32 senators must be re-elected, with 3 additional seats to be filled. All members of the House are ready to be re-elected. Voters from 38 states will also have the opportunity to vote on their policy via the voting measures of 2018.

Several non-profit organizations are dedicated to providing information to voters, such as "When We All Vote" and National Voter Registration Day, the last of which registered a record of more than 800,000 people on the 25th of September. Even some celebrities of pop culture, like Taylor Swift. and Rihanna, expressed their political views or encouraged fans to sign up to vote in mid-term in 2018.

Need to register to vote? Here's what you need to know about voter registration in 2018:

What is the registration deadline for my state's electors?

All states, except North Dakota, require eligible citizens (most US citizens over the age of 18) to register before polling day.

Entries end on Tuesday, October 9 for 14 states, including Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, the United States. New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas. Alaska and Rhode Island closed their voter register two days ago on October 7th.

Some states have different timelines depending on your method of registration, as explained in the New York Times. You can find the registration deadlines for your state's voters on the website of its electoral center; The electoral centers of the 50 states are all linked to the homepage of the non-profit organization Vote.org.

How can I register to vote?

Voter registration can be done online in 37 states and in the District of Columbia, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Instead of trying to find the specific site of your state, Vote.org provides a unique form to all citizens to start their online registration – and it only takes two minutes.

Other states require that a paper form be completed and sent to the appropriate address. This form can be downloaded online via the US Electoral Assistance Commission and mailed. You can also register to vote in person with your state or local registrar.

In most cases, when you register to vote (online or in print), you will need to provide your social security number or your government-issued driver's license / identification card information for security purposes. .

Do not know if you are registered? You can check if you are registered to vote in 30 seconds via Vote.org.

Where can I vote on polling day?

When you vote in person on polling day, you must go to the polling station assigned to you. To confirm your polling location, contact your local election official or enter your address in an online search.

Since lack of transportation often prevents registered voters from speaking out, Lyft and Uber offer free or discounted tours to get to the polls on polling day.

Some states allow early voting if you know you will not be in town on polling day. You can also fill out a postal ballot if this is the case.

What is a postal ballot?

The postal ballots allow registered voters to vote via a form sent by mail.

Vote.org offers an online form to request your postal ballot. Once your application is accepted (some states require a valid excuse to vote by mail), you will receive the ballot by mail. It must be returned by mail before the date specified by your State, usually before polling day. So sign up if you know you need a mail ballot.

Military or US citizens overseas may also request a postal ballot via the Federal Post Card application.

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