2018 World Cup: Kylian Mbappe and France beat Lionel Messi and Argentina with a huge performance


One has the impression to see passing the torch of Lionel Messi to Kylian Mbappe. The latter was not born when France won the World Cup in 1998, and is 12 years younger than the great Argentinian. But in a match with 22 players, two stood out the day, and young people would do better to experiment.

If you did not know the name of Kylian Mbappe yet, then you certainly know it now.

In the 11th minute of France's electrifying victory, 4-3 of 16 rounds over Argentina, Mbappe could have unleashed the tournament race so far.

I mean, for Godsakes, watch this young man take off (the total time is 32 seconds).

His last contact with a blazing explosion of speed did not directly lead to a goal, but he drew penalty that his teammate Antoine Greizmann converted to open the account of France.

Tied twice in the second half, Mbappe took over, scoring two home goals and announcing to the world that he was there.

In the 64th minute, look at the control that he has with two keys in the box, then another burst of speed to meet the ball and get the score sheet.

In the 68th minute, it took a measured and uncontrolled run on the right flank and a touch for Mbappe to get his splint.

Oh, and about that other guy and that other team.

The Argentinian team has been an absolute mess during all this tournament. Sometimes they were stale in the field, but they still managed. Outside the field, they were totally controversial. There was a mutiny in which Argentinian players demanded that their manager be fired with a match remaining in the group stage. The tactical notebook of coach Jorge Sampaoli was photographed, and we still do not know if he even chose the team for the last two games .

At the macro level, it is not surprising that Argentina crushes at this stage of the tournament. Everything was pointing. But the way the thing unfolded is a testament to the frustrating ability of this team to do just enough to get through. Even the last kick of the match against France almost forced extra time, and there was a legitimate chance that this team could have limped in the next round.

Messi helped two of Argentina's three goals tonight. It is unfair to say that he himself failed in a team match and a team that went through so much bustle. But that does not mean that Messi bows in front of this glory-covered tournament. It is quite possible that we watched the last match of Messi in an Argentina uniform.

Like its previous three World Cups, it's a disappointing end to the best player of all time.

The potential is beautiful.

We can applaud Messi's career, but watching every game, he reminds us that he can not do it forever. He is 31 years old, and even though he still plays almost as well, there can only be longer. The time is coming for all of us.

Mbappe is only about potential and possibility. He is already good at 19, and it will get better. We can love Messi and still geek because KYLIAN MBAPPE IS ONLY 19 YEARS OLD. Today it belonged to him. With one of the two best players of his generation – perhaps never – in the other team, Mbappe was the best player on the field in the biggest game of his very young life.

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