2018 WWE Hell in a Cell results, recap, notes: surprise return of Brock Lesnar, big change of title


The eight-game card for WWE Hell in a Cell seemed ambitious given the few games they had been allocated, but considering everything that had happened on Sunday night in San Antonio, Texas, that made sense. In addition to a major title change earlier in the series and a controversy in a big game in the midst of pay-per-view, the WWE offered us the return of Brock Lesnar on Sunday – just A month after his departure The company will focus in the near future on an expected match of the UFC heavyweight title with Daniel Cormier in the Octagon.

Lesnar had an impact on the main event of the Hell in a Cell match between world champion Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar (more in detail below), which has become a cluster with seven superstars, a "lawyer" and a referee special. Cell came out of the air. There was an important spot out of the cell in this match as there was in the fight that launched the main card, another cell match between Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton.

Ronda Rousey also made a significant distinction in her rematch with Alexa Bliss for the Raw Women's Championship, and the SmackDown Women's Championship match between Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch was also something to write about. The match for the Raw team title was perhaps the best of the series, while the SmackDown championships were relegated to the launch.

In the end, 2018 WWE Hell in a Cell was entertaining and much of the booking made sense. Once again, the potential of WWE has not lived up to what the WWE can offer, and individual matches (as you will see below) are better than the sum of their parts. Category B-

CBS Sports has been with you all Sunday night to update this story with the latest results, analyzes, notes and highlights from the series. Great fan of the WWE? Subscribe to our podcast – In this corner with Brian Campbell – where we go deep on everything you need to know at WWE every week.

Results 2018 WWE Hell in a Cell, recap, notes

SmackDown Tag Team Championship – New Day (c) def. Rusev Day via pinfall to keep the titles (Kickoff Show): Aiden English was the recipient of the hot tag, which not only injected some energy into the sparse crowd, but also sought to telegraph the arrival. Instead, after English was eliminated by Kofi Kingston, Rusev Day seized Kingston and Big E with a few maneuvers. When Rusev went around the corner trying to get out of Kingston, English was added to Rusev's consternation. Rusev missed a splash of the middle rope, but the English followed by hitting one on Kingston only to get a two count. He then blocked Kingston in Rusev's Accolade, and Rusev prevented a Big E breakup with a Matchka Kick. While Kingston does not submit but the Accolade is still locked up, Rusev asks for the tag. It distracted English and allowed Kingston to fight his way through Trouble in Paradise in English while Big E knocked Rusev out of the ring and held him out. It was certainly a fun 10-minute match, although the crowd would have flown away if Rusev Day won. Grade: C

Baron Corbin confronts Mick Foley behind the scenes: Prior to the show, Foley stated that he was delighted to have the "best place in the house" for the main event. Corbin has surpassed himself as interim general manager and dismissed Foley while he was trying to give advice to succeed at this position. Foley looked dismayed at that.

Hell in a Cell – Randy Orton Def. Jeff Hardy via pinfall: Hardy took his attack early as the match was slow and uneventful until Harrdy put a ladder upside down in a V; He tried to subdue Orton through, but Orton rather lifted Hardy and threw him on the horizontal supports first. Orton became increasingly angry as the game progressed, pulling Hardy in the back with a steel chair, tearing off his shirt and hitting him in the back with a weight belt. He also placed Hardy's head and neck between the bars of a flat ladder while he was repeatedly trampling her. Orton then pulled out a toolbox and grabbed a screwdriver. he locked Hardy's arm between his legs and started pulling on Hardy's left ear gauge hole before placing the screwdriver in the hole and turning it over 360 degrees. Hardy's eyes came out of his head as he was selling the pain and he restrained his shot with the leg to break the hold. He then grabbed the same weight belt and the chair that Orton used and hit his opponent, but Hardy used the connector portion of the belt to hit Orton, which caused dozens of bloody holes on his back.

Hardy countered an RKO with a Twist of Fate, placed a chair on Orton's torso and climbed on the first rope to hit the Swanton bomb – but he only got two points while the blood began to flow from Orton's left thigh. Frustrated, Hardy grabs a large ladder, a small ladder and a table, posing them side by side with the large ladder in the middle. He struck Orton with another Twist of Fate and placed him on the table before climbing the ladder. Hardy had planned to jump over the larger ladder but instead, he climbed to the top of the ladder and grabbed the top of the cell with his arms, rocking his body back and forth. Orton moved at the last moment as Hardy came out and splashed his face first. The arbitrator called doctors while Orton asked him to do his job; Hell in a Cell started to raise when the referee counted 1-2-3 and the crowd reacted relatively silently.

While the place was brutal for Hardy, it was so telegraphed that everyone was ready to do it in the moment and no one was shocked or chanted as a result. It was also disappointing not to see Orton counter the fall in an RKO, given Hardy's perfect positioning. Hardy was placed in a tie and stretched out in a clearly written angle to give him a lot of free time. There is no criticism here for Hardy, but it is also hard to say that the spot or the match was up to the extremely high expectations of the fans. Another good match Hell in a Cell. A few hours later, WWE announced that Hardy was suffering from an abdominal injury and spitting of blood. Category B

SmackDown Women's Championship – Becky Lynch def. Charlotte Flair (c) via pinfall to win the title: The match started with an abundance of wrestling because no woman has really taken over for a long time. Lynch worked on Flair's arm, and Flair did a great job selling it. Flair attempted his whistle too early, but after Lynch dodged it and attempted to block a bid, Flair raised it for a fantastic powerbomb. The fans were somewhat divided early but clearly started to favor Lynch at this point. Like Flair, Lynch missed a high-risk maneuver but quickly escaped the Boston Crab in which she was locked up. Lynch led Flair's shoulder into the ring on the outside of the ring and toppled a suit pinned into the Dis-Arm-Her, but Flair escaped under the lower rope to force a pause.

Lynch seemed relentless as Flair threw in a spear, but Lynch caught her in a PowerSlam and won. Flair was stunned as Lynch was celebrating until she decided to get up and extend a hand to lift Lynch's arm. Lynch responded by lifting the title in her face, shouting, "You will not take my moment!" and go out. The title change was necessary, but the booking is still a little complicated, and it would have been nice to see Lynch pin or submit Flair with a finisher. Grade: B +

Team Championship – Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre (c) Def. Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose via pinfall to keep the titles: Shield members entered separately. McIntyre called Ambrose shortly after the start of the match, and the two executors started early, with Ziggler and Rollins also working mostly in tandem. Ziggler & McIntyre have worked tirelessly to isolate Rollins and prevent etiquette; Even when Rollins tagged Ambrose, the referee was distracted, so he missed it. A Rollins blockbuster paved the way for the beacon at Ambrose, who stomped on a mud hole at McIntyre but could not fall. Ambrose threw McIntyre into the post and Ziggler into the barricade of the ring, but was caught in a high-risk maneuver and was thrown in the bender. The signature of Rollins, tope suicida, was overtaken by the champions, so Ambrose followed suit to complete the maneuver.

A Falcon & # 39; s Rollins Arrow got a 2.8 on Ziggler, so Rollins called The Stomp. Ziggler avoided it and Rollins was away from Ziggler's attempt to replicate the move. The two men then re-established their driving combination, which ended the two men and Ziggler striking the Zig-Zag and Rollins; he turned to 2.9. While the champions tried their Claymore-Zig-Zag finish, Ambrose pulled Ziggler out of the ring. Rollins kicked McIntyre and followed with a frog splash at McIntyre for another 2.9. A double-doubler attempt by The Shield's teammates was thwarted by Ziggler, who also avoided a high-risk maneuver from Rollins to the outside. A couple of blind labels were made, and he left Rollins and Ziggler as legal men. Rollins was attempting the combined move of his superplex-Falcon & # 39; s Arrow on Ziggler when McIntyre, who already knocked Ambrose out of the ring, reinstated Rollins in the face with Claymore while he was raising Ziggler in the air for the second half of the combo. Ziggler fell on Rollins while the referee counted three. Fantastic match with a fantastic finish and the good result. Almost perfect Grade: A

Mick Foley confronts Braun Strowman: The special referee invited to the main event addressed Strowman behind the scenes, suggesting that they discuss before the match. After Strowman finished celebrating the victory of his friends, he essentially told FOley to stay out of his way and worry about counting 1-2-3 unless he wants trouble.

WWE Championship – AJ Styles (c) def. Samoa Joe via pinfall to keep the title: Angry Styles attacked Joe immediately after the bell, removing him from his game and allowing Joe to take advantage quickly. Styles also a crooked tusk at first, and Joe used this to anchor the aerial artist. Joe threw a thundering forearm on a tope suicida to flatten Styles and continued his attack from there. DDT gave Styles a reinforcement, but Joe knelt on a springboard trap, Stbabed Styles, rolled it into a Boston Crab, locked in a STF and applied a crossface until Styles clinched the submission. . Styles finally hit an incredible powerbomb on Joe to provoke a roar from the crowd and hit a springboard three-quarters of the way to get 2.5 points. After Styles stopped for a moment to shout against Joe, he reversed Styles in a slingshot and hit a huge lariat that turned Styles upside down. Styles tried to roll Joe into the Clash Styles, but Joe managed to get out and grabbed the title with an insiguri.

A kick from Styles Pele hurt Joe, but Joe was strong enough to knock down a phenomenal forearm in a Coquina Clutch. Styles tried to search the ropes, but Joe took him to the canvas; Styles backed down on Joe, pinning the challenger's shoulders to the mat for 1-2-3. Joe immediately celebrated to be surprised that Styles' music had played while he claimed that Styles had escaped before the referee hit the mat. He took the WWE title away from the Bloody Styles, so Styles kicked him on the back of the head and knocked him out of the ring before falling on the plainly injured canvas. After the match, the replay showed that Styles had pulled out before the score of three but his hand was far from the referee. Although slow, the match was of high quality. The only problem is that Joe should have left Styles angry, as opposed to the champion who ranked twice on the challenger in the final minutes. Category B

The Miz & Maryse def. Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella via pinfall: Bryan and Miz did the hard work, as expected, and the portions were almost replicas of their previous game at SummerSlam. It was Bryan who was missing a dive impulse that required a label, but when he did, Maryse chose not to enter. She dropped the apron as Miz beat Bella until she slipped between her legs and slapped Maryse's head into the commentary table. Bryan pulled out Miz with a knee flying on the apron, but Miz countered by throwing Bryan into the ring fence. Bella knocked a dropkick from the second rope that would have resulted in a pin if Miz had not broken it. This led Bryan to attack Miz and shout that no one is touching his wife. Bryan and Bella then hit synched Yes! Kicks on the couple It until they simultaneously exit the ring and head back. Bryan and Bella caught them. Bella threw Maryse into Miz, who was stunned by the ring, but Maryse toppled a combination of Bella, grabbing her tights to hold her. While it may be argued that the SummerSlam match was not delivered, it was oversized and quite entertaining. More importantly, he maintains the rivalry between Miz and Bryan. Grade: C +

Raw Women's Championship – Ronda Rousey (c) def. Alexa Bliss via submission to retain the title: Natalya joins Rousey at the edge of the track, while Bliss takes Mickie James and Alicia Fox with her. Bliss focused on Rouse's injured ribs as Rousey's counterattack. Rousey's first attempt to lock the armband on Bliss was thwarted as James pulled the challenger out of the ring. Distracted again by the duo, Rousey then dodged a diving Bliss, which took our friends. Bliss pulled Rousey's hair to snap his ribs on the ropes of the ring and attacked the midfielder's section with shots and an abdominal stretch in a prolonged gust. Rousey's attempt to reverse the stretch in a maneuver failed because of his injured ribs, and Bliss took advantage of a pair of knee shots in the area. A superplex attempt was just as impossible for Rousey, and Bliss was able to hit a dropkick while Rousey was suspended on the last lap. Bliss then wrapped Rousey around the post and pulled his arm and leg simultaneously to further hurt the ribs. When Bliss distracted the referee, James and Fox did the same until Natalya broke it. Rousey knocked James out of the ring and the two men collided in the middle of the ring with a double crossbar.

Rousey's backtracking and turning back had two consequences, but when Bliss started taunting Rousey, everything changed. Rousey became furious, immediately striking a powerful combination and a combination of blows on Bliss before throwing her into the ring. Bliss kicked the champion in the ribs to slow it down, but when the challenger attempted a punch, Rousey hit his judo shot and locked himself in the gun for immediate submission. It was easily the second best match of Rousey's career at WWE and also a good thing for Bliss, who went on the offensive to change her expression at a time when it was time for Rousey to dominate. Although neither of the two women is as accomplished or the SmackDown duo is no longer up to scratch, it was somehow the best match of the night. Grade: A-

Samoa Joe explodes behind the scenes: Joe was shown thrilling an official while showing the video of him getting Styles out of their game earlier in the night. SmackDown's general manager, Paige, stepped in to calm Joe down, but he would not have done so and said he did not want to wait three weeks before the Super Show-Down to fight Styles again. When Paige refused to make the match earlier, Joe demanded a match without difalfication, which Paige agreed to as there was to be a clear and decisive winner.

Universal Championship (Hell in a Cell) – Roman Reigns (c) against Braun Strowman ends in a draw: Mick Foley was the special guest referee in the match. Before the bell rang, Strowman snatched the title from Reigns 'hands when he waved it off during the announcer' s presentation. The reigns attacked in response, but Strowman began to dominate at first. Once Strowman grabbed the steel steps, Reigns countered with a Superman punch, but when he tried to hit another, Strowman caught him with a chokeslam on the ring apron . The two exchanged shots with weapons until Reigns avoided Strowman and allowed him to slam his shoulder through the turnbuckles. Strowman later grabbed a Superman punch for a chokeslam, and after Reigns was kicked out beyond 2.9, Strowman became furious with Foley for a clearly slow count. This distraction allowed Reigns to hit a Superman punch, but Strowman was also sent off.

As Strowman was shaking in the ring unable to stand up, Reigns grabbed a table. Instead of using it immediately, he posed and ran around the entire ring to find a spear, then to be with steel steps on the face. Back in the ring, Strowman hit the steps again for two minutes before shouting, "Why do not you stay in bed, you moron? The challenger then pushed the steps into the champion's chest before throwing them over the ropes against the cell wall. Strowman hit Reigns with PowerSlam in the middle of the ring, and Reigns took over his shoulder at 2.9 as the challenger was more and more furious against Foley on his behalf. The table set in the corner, Reigns countered Strowman with two shots of Superman before throwing him into the table. Reigns rolled Strowman but also scored 2.9.

At this point, Ziggler and McIntyre ran up to the ring to ask the referee to let them enter the cell; Rollins and Ambrose immediately went out to make the backup. The men took off the top of two ad tables, and eventually all four headed up the cell (Ambrose with a kendo stick in tow) to shoot him. Ziggler and Rollins started going down but started fighting once they reached the first panel; they simultaneously drove their head into the side of the cell and crashed into the ad boards below. McIntyre and Ambrose have not moved.

Out of nowhere, the musical success of Brock Lesnar in The Beast and Paul Heyman made his way to the ring. Heyman screamed at the referee and asked for the key, but Lesnar impatient and kicked the cell door. Wearing a full beard, Lesnar pulled the cell door back into the ring and dragged her into a corner as Heyman's pepper sprayed Foley in the eyes. Lesnar took the broken table pieces and beat Reigns and Strowman with them. He then hit Strowman and Reigns with consecutive F5s with Reigns at the top of Strowman. A new official entered the ring once Lesnar came out and called the timekeeper to ring and declare a draw.

Whoa. There is a lot to be removed. The first, of course, being that the WWE again ended up messy and felt they had to use Lesnar to avoid a clear win for Reigns or Strowman in a match that should have been saved. Then there will be questions about what it means for Lesnar and his next game against UFC with Daniel Cormier. The first thoughts are that nothing changed when the WWE set in motion when GM Kurt Angle, then crude, refused to give Heyman a rematch after SummerSlam. This gives WWE the chance to keep Lesnar in a longer scenario as he struggles against Cormier and probably returns to the square circle in 2019. Finally, what becomes the briefcase of Money in the Bank by Strowman. Conventional wisdom would say that Strowman cashed in the briefcase, got a match and saw that it resulted in a non-contest; there is no rule that says you have to fight for a decisive final. Again, WWE could easily tell how it handed Strowman the briefcase or that he deserved another opportunity at Reigns.

As for the match itself, it was a solid and not very spectacular albiet. Reigns and Strowman were doing nothing in the cell, which had not been done before, and the insertion of the other four men simply for chaos and the table was apparently useless. Lesnar 's surprise has greatly improved things and raised this note to at least half a letter. Grade: C +

The highlights of 2018 WWE Hell in a Cell

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