2018 WWE Hell predictions, map, start time, location, overview


As WWE begins its journey towards the end of the 2018 calendar year, Hell in a Cell has the opportunity to complete some of SummerSlam's scenarios and set the stage for new companies whose ambitions will be reduced. in a few weeks.

The short eight-game card should result in a relatively fast show as the heavyweight, women and team teams on the main list will be on the line during the show. Two matches are set for the namesake of the event, Hell in a Cell, but only one will be contested for the title – probably in the main event.

WWE Hell in a Cell will begin live at 7 pm ET with an hour-long launching program that starts at 6 pm The event is expected to end between 10 am and 11 pm CBS Sports will be with you all Sunday with live coverage of Hell in a Cell, including highlights, scores, scores and analysis throughout the event. For the moment, let's take a look at our predictions and our choices before the big night of our CBS Sports experts.

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WWE Hell in a Cell 2018 predictions

SmackDown Tag Team Championship: New Day (c) against Rusev Day (Kickoff Show)

Brian Campbell: As much as Rusev is suddenly catapulted into numerous title opportunities while simultaneously watching Aiden English fulfill his role, the division is simply more fun with an excellent team like New Day who carries the title. securities. Although they are certainly finished and well enough established to not need it, the division has enough depth to keep them and set out for future quarrels against SAnIt and a reissue with the Usos. Pick: New Day retains titles

Adam Silverstein: Something must give for Rusev. This guy has participated in all SmackDown titles in recent months and has lost all games. It has gone from a WWE championship match there are two gigs to a launch show in consecutive events à la carte. It seems that the WWE handed the titles to New Day only because of an injury suffered by Rowan of Bludgeon Brothers, which makes me think that there is a good opportunity to give a little love to Rusev & English. This goes against the usual reservation of the WWE, but I think we could have a surprise here. Pick: Rusev Day wins the titles

Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton (Hell in a Match Cell)

AS / BC: When the WWE delivers the Hell in a Cell games, they usually have two reasons: (1) there is a huge niche planned, (2) it's an affront to a feud. In this case, I have to believe that it is both. Upon returning to WWE, Hardy said he still wanted to participate in HIAC, one of the few gimmick games he did not participate in during his career. It is also clear that Hardy was hindered for months, although he did a good job hiding his wounds. With his brother Matt Hardy on TV and ready for the rehabilitation of his own ills, it will be a good opportunity to write Jeff on TV … especially after missing a Swanton bomb from the top of the cell or that # Orton transforms it into RKO. a table. Choice: Randy Orton wins

Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella vs. The Miz and Maryse

BC: The introduction of their respective brides added additional layers to this Miz-Bryan feud in the hope that the creative team could extend the story to WrestleMania 35. In Regarding this specific game, it would be much more logical to continue to gain the upper hand to get some heat. The mixed team format also allows Bella to take the pin to save Bryan. Pick: The victory of Miz & Maryse

AS: This one can really go both ways. It makes more sense for the stubs to continue to win in this quarrel, but Maryse is the rival who can eat a pin – or submit – the easiest without it spoiling her. We expect Bella to participate in some form to Evolution; Maryse is not. So, against my best judgment, this could be the only victory for the faces until the end of this quarrel. Choice: Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella win

Team Championship: Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

AS / BC: Although all of Raw's men's titles were locked in a singular quarrel, giving Ziggler & McIntyre the gold medal was a wise move to improve the titles and give them back the red mark. With the arrival of Roman Reigns as champion of the universe and Rollins' intercontinental title in the foreseeable future, heels have every interest in keeping the straps. Do not look now, but it could be the game of the night. Election: Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre retain titles

Raw Women's Championship: Ronda Rousey (c) against Alexa Bliss

BC / AS: WWE continues to make every game a part of Rousey, which is why it's too early to take away the title. One day, her workout partner and girlfriend, Natalya, will follow a screenplay against her, but it's too early to think that Sunday is that day. Credit Bliss for helping this quarrel to feel fresh and electric recently. Pick: Ronda Rousey retains the title

SmackDown Women's Championship: Charlotte Flair (c) against Becky Lynch

BC / AS: Despite all the controversy surrounding the fact that WWE made a mistake in turning someone from as popular as Lynch into a stub, Lynch's performance in recent weeks over SmackDown largely justified his decision. Turning Lynch badly has done nothing to slow her momentum right now, making it a moment more than ever perfect for her to become champion. Anything that is complaining about this lacks the most important point – Lynch finally gets the push that fans have been demanding for a few years and that will end up being more finished and successful in the long run for turning into a bad heel . Pick: Becky Lynch wins the title

WWE Championship: AJ Styles (c) against Samoa Joe

AS / BC: Styles has come up with a phenomenal race with the WWE title, with a reign of 310 days (and the number), the second longest for the title since 2006. And he has done a great job of countering his competition on the way. But here's the thing: Samoa Joe is perhaps the best thing to do on SmackDown right now, and if anyone is a legitimate and understandable threat to remove the Styles title, it's him. Joe is completely in the head of Styles and it would be easy to explain how Styles was distracted and removed his game. That said, there are more heels (Miz and Orton among them) as future potential contenders, and Styles-Joe is already booked for the Super Show-Down in Australia next month. Really, as long as it's a good match, no one will complain, but this prediction is a little more desirable than anything else. Pick: Samoa Joe wins the title

Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Braun Strowman (Hell match in a cell)
Mick Foley will serve as a special guest arbiter

BC: As long as the WWE has recently had a negative impact on the way it promotes the universal title – Brock Lesnar who holds her hostage to the wrong trick of Strowman and mishandling the briefcase Money in the Bank a Cell match must be memorable. The addition of Foley as a referee on the 20th anniversary of his epic HIAC match adds a ton of directions that the finish can turn. The same goes for the involvement of other Shield members as well as Ziggler and McIntyre. In the end, Strowman's reservation was suspended long enough this calendar year. It's about time that someone, as impressive as Braun, rightly wears the crown, if for whatever reason, do not slow down his momentum and squander his place in the MITB briefcase. Pick: Braun Strowman wins the title

AS: I've been saying for months that the WWE had to set foot in the arena, get rid of Lesnar and go ahead with Reigns as the company's superstar, even though the fans have rejected it once more at WrestleMania. The reason is that Reigns "deserves" (although his work was largely underestimated) or because fans should conform to the WWE story, but rather the only way to override this story is to allow him to sweat. In the same way, removing the title of Reigns after only a month would be staggering. Strowman has been transformed into a cartoon character by WWE, a guy who lifts and flips things, shouts and whistles that destroy stuff behind the scenes. He suddenly regained his rights a few months after winning the Raw tag team titles with a 10-year-old kid, and he now needs help to defeat the guys he dominates.

Certainly Strowman losing here – after being beaten by Lesnar with a single F5 a few months ago – would relegate him more as a Big Show than a future superstar of the main event, but it's just too early to beat Reigns. despite the stipulation. I'm down for this to happen at some point, but Reigns has literally got the title and needs to marinate with him for a while. Pick: Roman Reigns retains title

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