2020 run brew? Former Starbucks CEO hires campaign manager McCain


FOmer Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is building a high-profile public relations team, including the 2008 campaign leader of the late Senator John McCain, as he plans to launch an offer for the House. -Blanche in 2020, according to a report released Friday.

Schultz is building the team, CNBC said before the release of his next book, "From the ground up: a journey to reinvent America's promise". The publication of a pre-election brief was seen as a tell-tale sign that the person might consider running for office.

Schultz, who is considered a possible candidate for the fight against Trump in 2020, however, has little experience in the political world. Steve Schmidt, who led McCain's 2008 presidential campaign, is a former vice president of public relations firm Edelman.

The two men met as part of the partnership between Edelman and Starbucks and have remained in touch since Schultz left Starbucks earlier this year. Schmidt helped Schultz on a variety of issues, including his upcoming book tour, CNBC reports.

Schultz also hired Cheryl Cook, executive vice president of Edelman, and Rajiv Chandrasekaran, who worked with the CEO when he was at Starbucks.

The former executive has not yet appeared in Iowa and New Hampshire, who are considered key states to visit on the way to the presidency.

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