21 people treated for exposure to rabies in County Weld after a woman rescued a raccoon baby


WELD COUNTY, Colorado – Health authorities warn the public about the dangers of trying to help wild animals after a woman who saved a raccoon baby exposed 21 people in Weld County with rabies.

According to a statement released Monday by the Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment, the woman took the raccoon in her custody after finding her on her property. His mother had abandoned the animal.

Health officials said that during his time with the unidentified woman from Weld County, the raccoon was in contact with 21 people. This contact later became a serious health problem when the raccoon tested positive for rabies.

Rachel Freeman, head of health communication at the County of Weld Health Department, says the health authorities have been alerted. Take the raccoon.

The show is called the largest in the history of Weld County. But it is unclear what steps have been taken to limit the risk of infection for the 21 people who were in contact with the rabid raccoon. The output of the Department of Health did not mention any human cases.

According to the Weld County Heath Department, rabies is a disease caused by a virus that affects the nervous system. Rabies causes swelling of the brain and spinal cord and is fatal in humans and animals. It is spread in saliva by the bite of an infected animal.

To prevent exposure to rabies:

  • Leave orphaned animals alone. Animal babies often seem to be orphans when they are not. Do not feed, touch or handle wild animals and pay attention to stray dogs and cats
  • Routinely vaccinate dogs, cats, horses and livestock by licensed veterinarian

If you find a wild animal that seems If you are ill, injured or orphaned, contact your local Animal Control Officer, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, or a local veterinary office before attempting to move it.

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