29 Arrested during ICE Protest In Philadelphia (VIDEOS)


PHILADELPHIA – Nearly 30 people were arrested and cited Tuesday during a demonstration against immigration and customs, less than a week after six other people were arrested and cited during from a demonstration at the same ICE building in Philadephia. ] Protesters across the country are calling for the abolition of ICE, which has increased after the Trump administration began its controversial policy of separating children from parents after illegal crossings of the border

Friday, June 28, about ICE built on block 800 of Cherry Street, police said. Six were cited for not being dispersed and released at the scene, police said at the time.

About 75 people went to the building on Tuesday to continue anti-ICE protests, according to Philadelphia police.

Police said that 29 people had been arrested and cited because of an inability to disperse on Tuesday. All 29 were released after being cited.

An arrested person was taken to hospital for treatment after suffering minor injuries during the arrests, police said. This person and another had minor scrapes and bruises, the police said.

The organizers listed three main points for the protest: stop deportations by abolishing ICE; ending family detentions by closing facilities, particularly in central Berks County; and that the City of Philadelphia cancels its contract to share its legal database with ICE.

See photos and videos of the scene below:

Image via US Immigration and Customs

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