3 ayurvedic remedies to manage asthma


New research conducted by a person of Indian origin has shown that people with asthma are more likely to become obese. Asthma is an inflammatory disease in which a person's airways become inflamed, shrink and swell and produce extra mucus, making breathing difficult for the person. According to the study, those who develop asthma in adulthood and those who suffer from non-allergic asthma are most at risk for obesity.

Previous studies have highlighted links between asthma and obesity, but researchers say that the relationship between asthma and obesity is more complex than one does. thought so. This is a subject that may require further research to find ways to cope with these two growing health problems. The results were presented at the International Congress of the European Respiratory Society in Paris.

"We already know that obesity can trigger asthma, perhaps via a physiological, metabolic, or inflammatory change," said Subhabrata Moitra, a research student at ISGlobal, where he said. Barcelona Institute for Global Health in Spain.

The researchers said that they do not know the exact reason why asthma increases the risk of developing obesity or that different treatments for asthma have an effect on this risk. But there is a strong association between the two that requires further study and investigation.

For the study, 8,618 people from 12 countries were followed for 20 years. The results revealed that 10.2% of people with asthma at the beginning of the study had become obese for ten years. Of the people who did not have asthma, 7.7% were obese ten years later.

The increased risk of obesity was even greater among people whose asthma began in adulthood.

Ayurveda for asthma

According to the book The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies by Dr. Vasant Lad, bronchial asthma is characterized by sudden attacks of short, panting breaths accompanied by wheezing. The underlying cause of all asthmatic conditions is increased kapha dosha in the stomach. Ayurvedic treatment of asthma aims to bring the kapha lodged in the lungs and bronchi in the stomach, from where it can be eliminated. Here are some herbal remedies that Ayurveda suggests for managing asthma:

1. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon and a fourth teaspoon trikatu in a cup of boiling water. Let infuse 10 minutes and add a teaspoon of honey before drinking. You can have this tea twice a day.

2. You can also take a fourth cup of onion juice with a teaspoon of honey and an eighth teaspoon of black pepper. This remedy will help relieve shortness of breath and relieve congestion.

3. Also try to take half a teaspoon of laurel and a fourth teaspoon pippali Mix in a teaspoon of honey at least two to three times a day.

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(With IANS entries)

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