President Donald Trump was a dominant force in the mid-term elections, as his attitude towards him influenced the decisions of more than 6 out of 10 voters. According to AP VoteCast, women voted much more in favor of Democratic candidates. (Nov. 6)

The mid-term elections did not take place in New York.

There may still be an American seat to win in California as well.

More than two weeks after the November 6 elections, the Associated Press has still not called two races in the House – both in the Empire State – and FiveThirtyEight, the website's analysis. data founded by the statistician turned journalist, interrogates AP's call in another race in the House on the west coast.

A race finally ended on Wednesday: Republican President Rob Woodall survived a recount in the 7th Georgian congressional district, beating Democratic challenger Carolyn Bourdeaux by 433 votes for the suburban Atlanta headquarters.

Woodall's victory came one day after another Republican MP, Rep. Mia Love was officially defeated in a similar match in Utah, losing to Democrat Ben McAdams by 694 votes.

Republican titans seem to be heading for a division in the two races still to be called in New York.

Analysis: Election results: red states become redder, blue districts blue, partisan division deeper

More: According to a report, Democrats won the mid-session of the House of Representatives by the largest margin since the Watergate scandal

In the New York District 27, Democrat Nate McMurray reported Wednesday irregularities in the electoral process as part of his challenge to the seat of Representative Chris Collins, who is expected to be tried in 2020 after pleading not guilty to early in the year charges of insider trading.

But Erie County Republican Election Commissioner Ralph Mohr said it was "mathematically unlikely that McMurray will win," reported Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, a member of the USA TODAY network.

After the last 10,000 ballot papers were counted on Tuesday, Collins beat McMurray by 1,384 votes, with approximately 900 ballot papers per affidavit and an indeterminate number of military and federal ballots remaining to be counted.

Collins declared victory.

Anthony Brindisi also, who Tuesday night had preceded Republican Claudia Tenney more than 4,000 votes with about 1,900 additional votes from the NY 22, reported the daily Democrat & Chronicle.

If these two races are held in New York, the Democrats will have overturned 39 seats to take control of the House.

Silver of FiveThirtyEight tweeted Wednesday about the race between Republican David Valadao and Democrat TJ Cox in the 21st Congressional District of California.

While the AP said Valadao was the winner, Cox got 445 votes and 15,000 ballots to count, the Fresno Bee reported on Wednesday.

"@AP and most networks still have this race called Valadao, which is just super lazy (and that's pretty much the best thing I can say about it). It should have been canceled 10 days ago, "said Silver.

Later Wednesday, the seat of Decision Desk is removed from the race call to CA 21, prompting a new tweet from Silver.

"At least * someone * has understood …" he writes.

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Contribute: The Associated Press

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