3 lies told by pro-choice politicians


WWith the proxy war against abortion that has occurred in recent months during Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation process, the need to address the abortion industry's discussion topics n & # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 39, has never been so big. The political allies of abortion are desperate to maintain control of the courts and taxpayers' money. During my lecture tour of Pro-Choice Political Readings on University Campuses this fall, I discuss political trends in the abortion industry by talking to students about many of the myths surrounding abortion.

In the run-up to the mid-term elections, here are some of the biggest hecklers to demystify this election season.

Lie # 1: Support 7 to 10 people Roe v. Wade

Groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL often this statement, but the poll does not save that.

A A 2013 survey found that only 60% of people could describe properly Roe v. Wade as striking abortion regulations at the state level.

In fact, many people think of reversing Roe v. Wade would make abortion illegal, instead of referring the matter to state governments.

My friend Michael New summarize the question this way"Seventeen percent thought Roe v. Wade dealt with another public policy issue and 20% were not familiar with the decision. In addition, even many who realize Roe v. Wade Treated with abortion do not understand all the implications of the decision. Many mistakenly think that topple Roe v. Wade lead to a national ban on abortion, but to a reversal of roe refer the matter to the States ".

In addition, only 12% of people are in agreement with the position of the National Democratic Committee that abortion should be allowed at any time, for whatever reason and at taxpayers' expense. And just behind the Republicans, the millennial generation as a whole ends end of term, fifth month abortions; yet only 3 Democratic senators voted for the end painful, late and fifth month abortions.

Lie # 2: Most people support family planning funding with taxpayers' money.

Planned Parenthood wants people to believe that they are getting high taxpayer funding – but their argument is based on the mistake of not getting money for an abortion. For example, their website lists a survey claiming that 75% of Americans support Planned Parenthood's federal funding, but this survey is intended to provide funds to Planned Parenthood for services other than abortion, even if the money they receive is fungible, and we know that they are overcharging for things like birth control, which helps subsidize their abortion activities.

A similar survey claims to show 57% support from Trump voters for federal fundingbut again, this is misleading because what he was showing was actually an opposition to "actions that would bar women's access to birth control, medical care and cancer screening at Planned Parenthood" , without mentioning abortion.

When the question is asked in a way that explains that Planned Parenthood is an abortion provider that receives taxpayer funding, the support drops considerably between 40 and 50%, more in step with the general division between abortion support and opposition. It does not even take into account that many Americans may not be aware that federally qualified health centers can absorb Planned Parenthood patients – and provide better quality care.

Planned Parenthood knows that taxpayer funding goes to abortion, which is why they have publicly opposed a compromise made by Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, where Planned Parenthood would financially separate their abortion business from their non-abortion-related business (which they called a bribe, as they were eligible for funding taxpayers).

Lie # 3: Women Need Abortion to Succeed

It is unfortunately quite common that politicians insult the general population, but this lie is particularly humiliating: women need abortion to succeed? Any woman who hears this and is not immediately offended has not only drunk "reproductive rights" Kool-Aid but plunged all his head inside. This twisted call to the feminist election base suggests that women can not achieve what they want in life without ending the lives of their children in the womb.

Not only can women walk and chew gum, but the duck falls apart when you dig into the search. Pro-abortion politicians love to quote the Rotating study, a false research done by biased Californian researchers who deliberately adapted the results to the desired conclusion.

Michael New note: "This study analyzed the results in the life of a group of women who requested abortion, but could not get one, often because of advanced stage of pregnancy . The study found that women unable to obtain an abortion were more likely to live in poverty in the short term. However, after five years, the poverty rates of women who completed their pregnancies were almost identical to those of women who had an abortion in the first trimester.

What women need to succeed is the same as for all others: access to education, fair treatment at the workplace, family friendly policies and all sorts of things that empower people in our country.

In this election period, beware of politicians who are trying to mislead the public about support for abortion and family planning, and remember what the economist Ronald Coase once said: "If you torture the data long enough, it will eventually confess."

Kristan Hawkins (@KristanHawkins) is a contributor to Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog. She is President of Students for Life of America.

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