3 students diagnosed with mumps at the University of Michigan


ANN ARBOR, Mich. (WILX) – Mumps was diagnosed in three students on the campus of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

The university health service announced that he was working with various health officials, including Michigan Medicine, and county and state public health authorities.

Symptoms usually go away on their own, but serious complications can occur.

"Symptoms may include swollen and sensitive salivary glands under the ears on one or both sides, fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, swollen testes and pelvic pain", according to the university health service.

According to the health service, serious complications can include deafness, swelling of the brain, spine coverage and, rarely, death.

Symptoms can take 12 to 25 days to show up after exposure.

Since the mumps virus is easily transmitted by the droplets in the air, it is recommended that people observe good hygiene, cover their nose and mouth when they cough or sneeze and avoid contact with saliva, according to the health service.

If a person has not received the measles, mumps, rubella or measles vaccine, or if they have had it before, the health service recommends contacting their health care provider to discuss their needs.

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