3 things men and women have in healthy, long-term relationships that help them stay in love | Suzanne Kyra


Love is a commitment, not an emotion.

When you start dating and falling in love, everything is beautiful. Staying in touch for long-term relationships requires work. This is why men and women who have truly healthy relationships regularly engage in maintaining their intimacy and deepening their bonds.

The intimacy of Tuesday, the act of giving and receiving in a secure and rewarding relationship, is not a linear process. It's the dance of commitment to love and to honor oneself.

The list describing the intimacy is long, vibrant and unique for each couple, each having their own dance on how it creates a closeness and a space in their relationships. There is no closed door to the way love works within healthy limits.

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However, true intimacy is not based on emotions or thought. Emotions and thoughts come and go like the waves of an ocean, while a lasting and intimate love boils down to a healthy mutual commitment.

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