3 wounded and gunman dead after shooting in Wisconsin office


MIDDLETON, WIS – Three people were seriously injured Wednesday morning when a colleague opened fire on a software company in a small town in Wisconsin, police said.

The shooter, seriously injured during an exchange of gunfire with law enforcement officers, died later in a hospital, said Middleton police.

The reason for the shooting, which took place in an office complex housing several companies, is unclear.

Middleton Police Chief Charles Foulke said the shooter, whose name was not published, was an employee of WTS Paradigm, a software company where he started firing at around 10:30 am on Wednesday. "It was not unusual for him to be there," said Foulke. "He had a reason to be there."

Foulke said the suspect exchanged gunfire with four law enforcement officers, whose actions he described as "very heroic … and, after what we say, Said, and I believe, prevented further bloodshed.

"We have reason to believe that the suspect was heavily armed with a lot of extra ammunition, a lot of extra magazines," said the chief.

A total of 10 police officers and sheriff's deputies first responded and entered the two-building complex, Foulke said. They arrived at the moment the workers left the officer complex.

"We know that the timing is so critical," said the chef. "So whenever there's an active shooter in a target-rich environment, the police come in, and that's what they did in that case."

According to Foulke, three victims were treated for gunshot wounds at a local hospital. A fourth person suffered an injury without life being threatened.

The shooting was investigated with the help of the FBI, the chief said.

About 50 police cars and the FBI responded to the scene in the 1800 block of Deming Way, reported Keely Arthur, a CNN affiliate.

Middleton, a suburb of the state capital Madison, is a city of about 17,000 inhabitants.

"My heart goes to the people involved in the filming," said Middleton Mayor Gurdip Brar. "You would never think that kind of thing would happen in your city. Really, so sad that it happened here.

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