3-year-old Cancer Survivor Flower Girl at the Donor's Wedding


Image by Mark Broadway Photography

One of the best parts of weddings is to see the little flowers and ring bearers walking down the aisle. But Hayden Hatfield Ryals' wedding guests have witnessed something even more special when Skye Savren-McCormick, 3, was the daughter of the flower – because Ryals was the bone marrow donor of Skye

. and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia – a rare blood cancer that typically affects children under four years of age. In July, Skye was paired with Ryals for her first bone marrow transplant.

Image by Mark Broadway Photography

His mother, Talia Savren-McCormick told ABC News that Skye would not have succeeded without Ryals' donation. Savren-McCormick said PEOPLE doctors gave Skye only a 10% chance of surviving cancer.

Image via Mark Broadway Photography

A few months after his transplant, Ryals reached out to the family of Skye, the organization Ryals gave his bone marrow through, asking the little girl to go to school. to be in his next marriage.

Image via Mark Broadway Photography

Savren-McCormick said that during the wedding, her daughter "went out and took a giant, handful of flowers and threw them on the floor."

Image by Mark Broadway Photography [19659011] "I had no idea that Hayden had done such a brave thing until we met with her and her mother the week of the wedding and they told us we were there. story and that Skye was coming, "photographer Mark Broadway told Scary Mum. "I was in tears, and Hayden was so nonchalant giving details of how they extracted her bone marrow." She said, "Oh, it was not serious! They have fallen asleep and I do not feel anything.

Image by Mark Broadway Photography

"For patients diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma and other deadly diseases, a blood stem cell transplant could be their Amy Alegi, vice president of marketing and communications, explains to Scary Mommy. "Yet, 70% of people who need a transplant do not have a compatible donor in their family.Be The Match needs more young men and women to fight to save more lives."

Image by Mark Broadway Photography

Skye was delighted to make the trip to Alabama to be the daughter of Hay-Hay's wedding. And it was at the rehearsal where Skye and Ryals saw each other for the first time. "I approached and fell to my knees and all I could do was smile," Ryals said.

Their link is one for history books. "I always say that they are in love with each other, they are just in love … Hayden was holding Skye and Skye was sitting on his lap almost all the time.They were just in their own little ones Together they have a special connection, "said Savren-McCormick

If you want more information on how to become a donor, please visit BeTheMatch.org/join.

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