TOKYO – Torrents of rainfall and flooding battered on a large scale in Japan. Public broadcaster NHK said 38 people were dead, four were seriously injured and 47 were missing. Television footage showed a residential area in Okayama prefecture seeped in brown water spreading like a huge lake. Some people fled to rooftops and balconies and waved furiously at hovering rescue helicopters.
Okayama prefecture said a man caught in a landslide died, and six others were missing. (19659002) Throughout the affected areas, in the face of the affected areas.

Residents look at a flooded road and houses in Kurashiki, Okayama, prefecture on July 7, 2018.
![19659006] STR / AFP / Getty Images
<p> "Prime minister Shinzo Abe said Saturday morning, The New York Times reports. Abe reportedly urged his cabinet to "take every step to prevent the disaster from worsening." </p>
<p> Kyodo news service, which put the death tally at 34 people, said one death was in a landslide in Hiroshima , while the body of a child was found in another area. NHK said a woman died in Hiroshima when it was buried in a mudslide </p>
<p> Assessing overall casualties was a challenge because of the widespread damage. NHK Repeatedly Expedition in the Future </p>
<p> In Ehime prefecture, a woman was found dead on the second floor of a landslide, Kyodo said. Also in Ehime, two elementary-school girls and their mother who were sucked into a mudslide were rescued but their hearts were not beating, it said. </p>
<figure class=](https://cbsnews2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2018/07/07/30759558-6662-4f47-9b56-8f4b33777ce8/resize/620x/576b375d14f5542648e3eb59fe17d51a/gettyimages-993301068.jpg#)

Residents look at a flooded road in Hiroshima on July 7, 2018.
Str / AFP / Getty
Kyoto prefecture said it was working to control flooding at several dams and identified a fatality to a 52-year-old woman.
Okayama prefecture said. Troops in camouflage outfits helped people and pets in their lives.
Evacuation orders or advisories were 4.72 million people, and 48,000 members of the self-defense forces, police and firefighters were mobilized for search missions, according to to Kyodo
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