& # 39; & # 39 Peril!; The candidate proposes to make a girlfriend at the game show


What is it … yes?

Danger! Competitor Michael Pascuzzi may have come second in Thursday's competition, but he did not return home without a win.

During the show, the native of Orlando, Florida, took the opportunity to ask his girlfriend, Maria Shafer, to marry him.

It all started when host Alex Trebek said, "OK, ladies and gentlemen, normally when I interview candidates, I rely on the little information they provided us, but Michael Pascuzzi absolutely nothing on the map. "

"So what do you want to talk about?" Trebek asked Pascuzzi, who replied, "I can replace you."

Pascuzzi then turned to the audience to reveal to him that he just wanted to say one thing quickly and ask Maria Shafer right there, he said while cameras were watching his girlfriend, if she made me a winner today. and I would marry. me?"

Crying tears of joy, an emotional Shafer responds quickly: "Yes, of course" to Pascuzzi's question.

Trebek then jumped inside saying, "Maria, you answered too quickly, I was about to say we would have the answer to this question right after this commercial break," he said. -He's joking. it's … yes! "

Look at everything that follows:

September has been an exciting time for wedding proposals in the entertainment world. Just this week, season 20 of Big Brother It's over with a shocking live wedding proposal when Chris "Swaggy C" Williams got on his knees and proposed to Bayleigh Dayton. (Spoiler alert: she said yes!)

Meanwhile, in Hollywood, Florida, Christina Aguilera launched her Liberation tower with an epic proposal from a fan in the crowd. After singing "Unless It's With You," she invited "two special people", Ben Lear and Mike Kontomanolis, to the stage, where the special moment – which you can see here – has fallen.

And let's not forget this incredible live proposal that everyone could see at this year's Emmys. And just after asking Jan Svendsen to marry her on live TV, AND met Glenn Weiss, winner of the Emmy. Here's what he had to say:

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