& # 39; Above and Beyond & # 39; details NASA's inspiring journey to outer space | Television


Warning, Earthlings: As you read this, a nomadic vehicle, Curiosity, explores terrain on Mars, orbiting satellites collecting climate data, and American flags on the moon. These 60 impressive achievements of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are celebrated on the occasion of its 60th anniversary with Beyond: NASA's way to tomorrow.

What makes the 90-minute film even more special is the personal connection between the director and the subject. Documentary filmmaker Rory Kennedy, a niece of President John F. Kennedy, takes us from his uncle's 1961 directive on a lunar landing, which set the tone for the nascent space agency, the current preparations for a human mission on Mars. "From an early age, I enjoyed NASA and the pride of my uncle's contribution," she says.

Kennedy expected great stories about NASA's founding and vision, but also about micro-stories: "The institution is ultimately made up of individuals who have exceeded expectations: astronauts, scientists, the crew building the James Webb telescope [named for an early NASA administrator and expected to launch in 2021 to study distant galaxies]. "

In two years, the Emmy winner conducted more than 45 interviews and conducted a "treasure hunt" through archival footage, where she recorded footage of the first Apollo programs and shuttle missions. Animated segments described things that could not be filmed, such as the way the rovers landed on Mars, while old illustrations reveal the fantasies that previous generations had imagined the neighboring planets (Tarzan would have been perfectly adapted to the Venus jungle) before that the NASA probes do not prove the opposite.

"NASA says so much about what we know," says Kennedy. "We do [the science] relatable. We hope families will see it and it will excite the younger generation. »Ready for takeoff!

Beyond: NASA's way to tomorrow, First Documentary, Saturday, October 13, 9 / 8c, Discovery

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