& # 39; Avengers 4 & # 39; Spoilers: A new artistic concept alludes to the Iron Man's upper armor


Wwhen the Avengers get their revenge against Thanos in Avengers 4The improvements made by Iron Man could make it superior to Mad Titan.

The allegation of conceptual art of the new armor of Iron Man would have been disclosed in the following year, still untitled. Avengers 4 surfaced on Reddit. S & # 39; s pressing on the self-healing armor in nanotechnology that Stark wore in Avengers: Infinity War, the new armor looks quite like "bio-technology", but with a new silver and white color scheme.

At first glance, it seems that the Marvel Cinematographic Universe is adapting elements of Iron Man Superior, the series of nine issues of 2014 featuring a Tony Egotist Tony Stark (more than usual) with ultra-sophisticated white armor.

The day after the Marvel crossover AXIS, The worst personality traits of Tony Stark are in the foreground Iron Man Superior. Stark's ego, his alcoholism and his self-destructive habits make him a public enemy of the Marvel Universe while he forces San Francisco to his will via a new freemium application, Extremis 3.0. Through all this, he wears a new armored white suit with an open face, emphasizing his self-imposed messianic perspective.

The new armor supposed does not leave the face of Stark exposed, it is not even confirmed if it is really Avengers 4 conceptual art. Current art concept of Avengers 4 reveals that little has changed for Iron Man because he still wears the MK. 50 armor of his first fight against Thanos.

Iron Man Superior Avengers 4
Cover of 'Superior Iron Man & # 39; Vol 1., illustrated by Mike Choi.

Avengers 4 will be published on May 3, 2019.

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