& # 39; Avengers 4 & # 39; the current running time has been revealed


Avengers 4 is still far away, but fans are already looking for advice on its secrets. Until now, Marvel Studios has kept the veil on the blockbuster, but its directors have simply dropped a long-awaited update over the duration of the sequel.

Recently, Joe Russo took for Instagram for a live Q & A session. The director organized the event in honor of the opening of the bar Duello. That's where the fan asked the director how long Avengers 4 will run.

Of course, the director could not say anything for sure, but he did let net surfers know where the time was running.

"The time to run on Avengers 4 is currently sitting at three o'clock, so we'll see if that fits, but it's now three o'clock, "Russo explained.

So far this is the first clear update that fans have on a run time for Avengers 4. In the past, Joe and Anthony Russo met with Collider to talk about the highly anticipated movie, and that's where Joe said that the film could easily last three hours if necessary.

"I would say that it could easily be a three-hour movie," said Joe, "but I think you know, we're very tough with the movie." We like to play a certain I'm sure we're going to hurry him. "

"I think it will be longer than Avengers 3"He continued, prompting Anthony to point out that it was impossible to predict the time of execution as it was.

With Avengers 4 which is expected to debut next May, time is running out for the long-awaited project. Marvel Studios has a clear plan for the film and the work continues behind the scenes. At this point, no video footage of Avengers 4, and the fans are eager to have a preview of the film when his first trailer will be posted. The Russo brothers still have time to agree on a last theatrical cut for Avengers 4but a three-hour show would not upset the fans. Movies like Captain America: Civil War timed with a meat time of 2.5 hours, so Avengers 4 could very well be the one who will cross the bar of three hours.

So, would you agree if that Avengers blockbuster recorded at 180 minutes? Let me know in the comments or follow me on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk about everything related to comics and anime!

Avengers: Infinity War and Ant and the wasp are now available for digital download, Blu-ray and DVD. Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Captain Marvel March 8, 2019, Avengers 4 May 3, 2019, and Spider-Man: far from home July 5, 2019.

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