& # 39; Cornerstore Caroline & # 39; breaks his silence after falsely accusing a black boy


A New York woman who falsely accused a 9-year-old boy of dragging her into a bodega apologized after watching a security video showing that he had never touched her.

Theresa Klein, whose video-taped blast quickly became viral, was given the nickname "Carolina Cornerstore" after provoking a ruckus in Brooklyn.

"I want the cops here right now!" The video shows her telling a 911 dispatcher outside of a neighborhood market after accusing a child of sexual assault. "That's right," she says on the phone, "the son got me a **!"

The boy, his mother and sister were shopping in the store when the boy's backpack accidentally brushed the woman, showed a surveillance film later, as the trio left the store.

The neighbors came to the defense of the family when a spectator began filming the woman, who is white, accusing the boy, who is black, of having assaulted her. A child crying in the background while the mother is standing, claiming that her son did nothing.

People gathered in front of the bodega told the accuser to "go home".

But Klein did not do it and repeatedly claimed that the child had caught her buttocks.

"What I felt was a whoosh on both cheeks," she told Inside Edition. "I regret to have aggravated the situation," she said. "I should not have cursed."

After the video of the incident became viral, Klein posted on the door of his apartment a note stating "Do not hit".

Over the weekend, another video of St. Louis, depicting a white woman trying to prevent a black man from entering her luxury building, went crazy on social networks.

"I live here, you block the door", we heard the man say.

"Which unit?" she asks.

"I do not need to tell you that, what unit do you live in?" he counters.

"Excuse me," he said, finally pushing her away.

"No!" she screams at him.

The video, taken by D'Arreion Toles, shows Hilary Brooke Thornton taking the elevator with him, demanding to know where he is going. She follows him to the door of his apartment.

Later he told KMOV-TV: "I'm just happy to have released my camera, because if I did not do it, I think it could have disappeared in a totally different way. . "

Thornton was then fired from her real estate agent position after the video went viral on Facebook.

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