& # 39; Jurassic World 3 & 3: Where will the plot go after "Fallen Kingdom"?


The basics will be defined so that "Jurassic World 3" is the first global adventure of the franchise.

[Cettehistoirecontientdesspoilerspour[Thisstorycontainsspoilersfor[Cettehistoirecontientdesspoilerspour[ThisstorycontainsspoilersforJurassic World: Fallen Kingdom]

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom took the franchise off the park and moved the story further before one of the aftermath of 1993 Jurassic Park and has already brought in more than $ 700 million globally. So what's next Jurassic World 3?

First a quick reminder of what the public has just seen. Fallen Kingdom relies on an idea introduced in 2015 Jurassic World – that dinosaurs could be armed. The film sees shady characters from around the world bidding on dangerous dinosaurs, with most of these dinosaurs escaping into northern wild California after the auction gets disastrous. As Jeff Goldblum's Ian Malcolm puts it in the final moments of the film, Earth has truly become Jurassic World – a planet where dinosaurs and humans will now be forced to interact. A post-generic scene is also seeing pterodactyls flying around a re-creation of the Eiffel Tower on the Las Vegas Strip, so it's clear that some of the island's swimmers and flying dinosaurs are still around. have done in other parts of the world.

Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow, who wrote Fallen Kingom with writing partner Derek Connolly, will return to the director's presidency for the third installment in theaters on June 11, 2021. This time, the franchise gets a female perspective, with Pacific Rim: uprising Screenwriter Emily Charmichael writes the screenplay with Trevorrow. Dr. Malcolm's disturbing designation of a new Jurassic World perhaps should not be taken literally; the Earth is not about to be invaded by dinosaurs, considering only a dozen of them escaped, all being different species, and all are females, so they do not probably will not mate to produce more dinosaurs the world. Do not expect Jurassic World 3 to be a post-apocalyptic adventure.

It seems more likely that Jurassic World 3 will further explore the notion suggested by Dr Malcolm: the wars of the future will be fought with genetic weapons. The Pandora's Box has been opened, and the technologies that made the dinosaur resurrection popular can spark an arms race that fundamentally changes the world. We have also seen that it is not only the dinosaurs that are genetically modified, because the character of Maisie (Isabella Sermon) is actually a clone of Benjamin Lockwood (James Cromwell). The franchise could even expand to ask questions about the human resurrection, as well as the resurrection of the dinosaurs.

Dr. Henry Wu (BD Wong) has escaped the film with countless amounts of knowledge – and will undoubtedly use it to create more genetically enhanced dinosaurs like the Indominus Rex of the first Jurassic world and the first one. Indoraptor. It's almost guaranteed third hybrid dinosaur will be introduced in the next episode.

There is also an intriguing opportunity for Jurassic World 3 to take a piece of the recent Planet of the Apes trilogy, in which the monkeys became the protagonists, not the humans. Fallen Kingdom establishes that blue is perhaps the most valuable living organism on the planet. She could be exploited and forced to breed and lead an army of dinosaurs, but perhaps it could also contribute to the advent of a society of peace loving velociraptors, like Andy Caesar. Serkis shows the monkeys their true potential.

Fallen Kingdom empathizes the public with his dinosaurs in a way not seen since Steven Spielberg Jurassic Park makes the public tears with a sick triceratops. Director JA Boyena explored Blue's adorable education – and empathy – and pointed out the pathos of what a second dinosaur extinction would mean with a shot of a Brachiosaurus waiting for his death on the wharf while our heroes sailed on the last boat off Isla Nublar. Continuing to point out the unexpected humanity of the dinosaurs would be a way to keep the third slice cool.

Malcolm of Goldblum asks a meta question involuntarily at the end of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom: How many times do we have to see what happens when humans play god with dinosaurs? After five films, the public can ask the same question. Fallen Kingdom took concrete steps to advance the story, something else Jurassic the titles have done, and the third installment – if it takes place on a more global scale – may have something new to say after all.

For more Jurassic World 3 theories, watch the latest episode of Distribution of the vision of heat at the top of the post, with a special appearance of some of the new Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom equipment.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

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