& # 39; Low breast cancer awareness among Indian women & # 39; – NEW DELHI


Breast cancer is among the most common forms of cancer among women in India. But how much do women know about the reasons that could contribute to the occurrence of this type of cancer?

The age of menopause

A diving test in India showed that a large proportion of the women who participated in the survey did not work at all, worked at night, were overweight or obese and 6.7 % began menopause after the age of 55, which is a known high-risk factor for breast cancer.

The study, led by Anita Khokhar of Safdarjung Hospital, revealed that 24.8% of respondents reported having a breast-related problem, 37.1% reported breast lumps, 22 , 4% reported a flow or change in breast size. .

"Six women had breast cancer, 12.9% of those surveyed had a history of breast cancer in the family, 2.5% were not sure, 9.8% of women responded with breast cancer. Yes to a question about smoking and 26.7% said that they have consumed alcohol in one form or another, which is still alarming. Of all respondents, 31.1% were non-vegetarians and 26.5% of non-vegetarians consumed red meat, which is still a risk factor for breast cancer. " said Dr. Khokhar.

She said that our lifestyle needs to be changed, especially the consumption of alcohol, induced abortion, obesity and lack of exercise. A quarter of women in the general population have breast-related problems, hence the need to become aware of breast cancer.

The purpose of the study was to collect data on known risk factors for breast cancer among women aged 18 and over in the general population of all states, which is usually difficult to obtain by from a study. in the case of a large country like India.

A Google document has been shared with women via various social networking sites, e-mail, whatsapp, etc., as part of the study to reach as many women as possible.

Privacy issue

It also helped maintain confidentiality as respondents did not have to identify and could respond without pressure or influence as the type of information collected was sensitive.

"Women from all walks of life aged 18 and over participated in the survey and their responses were evaluated. Women who do not use social networking sites could not be included in the survey. Responses were collected for a period of one month – from May 15 to June 15, "said Dr. Khokhar.

The study also found that 5.2% of women had been on hormone replacement therapy, which is still a known risk factor for high breast cancer.

Women from all walks of life aged 18 and over participated in the survey … Women who do not use social networking sites could not be included

Anita Khokhar from Safdarjung Hospital who led the study

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