A five-month-old baby who was buried under stacks of sticks and debris in Montana's wilderness was miraculously found alive – at least nine hours later. [19659005] Police received reports of a man "acting strangely" around Lolo Hot Springs, Montana, around 8 pm Saturday. While they were heading to the area, other information indicated that the man was threatening people, claiming to have a gun.

Francis Carlton Crowley, 32, had left the area at the time of the arrival of Missoula County Sheriff's deputies. Even more worrying: a five-month-old boy left to Crowley's care had not been seen for several hours.

When deputies were able to locate him, the police said he appeared drunk and made statements stating that the baby could be buried somewhere in the mountains. A multitude of departments, including local search and rescue officers and members of the US Forest Service, have come together to search for the missing baby.

"After more than 6 hours of searching on foot, a deputy heard the slight cry of a baby," police said in a statement. "He followed the sound and found the baby alive, buried under a heap of sticks and debris."

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The baby was dressed only in one-layered wet and dirty, police said. It was about 46 degrees that night. The baby was taken to a local hospital, where the authorities say that he is in good health. Sheriff spokeswoman Brenda Bassett said Monday in a statement that the baby had only suffered minor scratches and bruises.

"For all of us at the sheriff's office, this is what we call a miracle," police said.

The custody of the child was entrusted to the Division of Child and Family Services of the State.

Crowley was held on bail of $ 50,000 on a criminal endangerment charge. The sheriff's office said Sunday in a statement:

The Associated Press contributed to this report. Follow Ashley May on Twitter: @AshleyMayTweets

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