& # 39; Miracle Baby & # 39; returns home after birth with only 1 lb. 4 oz.


The smallest baby ever born in a Long Island hospital is at home, five months after arrival, for only 1 lb. 4 oz.

Nicknamed the 'baby miracle', Hannah Bella Rodriguez was able to leave the neonatal department of Nassau University Medical Center and return home with her mother, Jennifer Pena, on Monday.

"She was always going to be my beautiful baby and I love her. She does not let me sleep at night but it's okay. I'm in love with her, said Pena at a press conference at the hospital, CBS reported New York.

Pena discovered that Hannah had stopped developing just over half of her pregnancy, at 22 weeks old. The doctors put Pena to rest for a month and she gave birth on July 11, making her the smallest baby ever conceived to survive the hospital.

"I was really scared but they helped me a lot," said Pena. "I was crying in the operating room, but they even held my hand and told me everything was for my baby."

Hannah Bella Rodriguez at birth, left and five months later

Hannah Bella Rodriguez at birth, left and five months later

As a general rule, babies must be at least 22 weeks old to survive. Hannah was born at 26 weeks old, but was about the size of a 22-week-old child. The doctors said that Hannah was clearly stronger than her height at birth.

"In the delivery room it was really cool, it's the only way for me to say it. This little boy came out and shouted, "said Dr. Harriet Boxer, neonatologist. "It was really reassuring."

Hannah's lungs were so strong that she surprisingly did not need a respirator to breathe.

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During her stay in the neonatology department, Hannah quadrupled to 5 lbs. 5 oz, and is now in full health. Doctors attribute Hannah's growth to Pena.

"Every day, she learned to care for this baby," Boxer said. "She was involved, she touched it, after her initial shock how small she was. This increases the survival rate.

"I know everything will be fine," said Pena. "She is fine."

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