& # 39; The Walking Dead & # 39; do not exclude Carol and Daryl Romance


The dead who walk Season Nine has formalized 'Carzekiel', but shippers from 'Caryl' could hope for a romantic development between their longtime friends Carol and Daryl.

"You never know, you know?" Said star Melissa McBride AND Daryl Dixon, best friend of the couple For the moment, McBride loves the form that the couple takes.

"I like the way they find themselves. I love their relationship no matter what, I love their relationship, "she said. "Fans can look forward to more scenes from Daryl and Carol."

Ezekiel, the eccentric Kingdom leader of Khary Payton, has suggested to Carol to participate in the premiere of Season Nine after dropping a "I love you", but a group of fans continues to claim that the "I love you", but a group of fans continues to claim that the Friendship that has lasted years for Carol and Daryl is turning into a romance. .

"In fact, I think a lot of people are," said Norman Reedus, star of Daryl Dixon. "I get it everywhere."

Carol and Daryl shared a special moment at the opening of the season when Daryl was surprised to learn that Carol had given her a ring, telling her that she deserved the happiness she had found with the "nerdy king" ".

"I think he's a bit corny, but you know, if she's happy, I'm happy. Which, in my opinion, is a real maturity, "said Reedus about Daryl, who will continue to make his way this season and develop as a character.

"We have seen Daryl become a mature person. Previously, he did everything that went like this: "What are you looking at?" He is now a kind of honest, straightforward guy who looks very straight in the eye.

McBride added that the flirtation between Carol and Ezekiel turned into an "interesting" and "quite achievable" love story after the 18-month jump that allowed survivors to flourish in time. peace after the defeat of the leader of the fallen Savior, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in the hands of Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln).

"They are very different. They have the common roles and these small survival tactics in common, but they are very different. A good yin and yang, "said McBride about Carol and Ezekiel. "I'm a little excited to see her open up to maybe live a little romance."

The showrunner Angela Kang, expanding her new love story with Rotten tomatoessaid Daryl is "truly happy" for Carol's romance.

"I think it's one of the deepest relationships we have on the show. It is a relationship between these two people who have been so damaged by their previous lives, before the apocalypse, and who have come so far together. Neither of them trust people very easily. The idea of ​​being in a romantic relationship for one or the other is not easy. We did not see that at all for Daryl, "said Kang.

"What I'm going to say is characters who have come a long way, who have had long stories. People who regret a certain match, whatever, keep in mind that we are telling a long serialized bow, that stories are developing and stories are changing and things are changing. What we do know is that Carol and Daryl, whether romantic or not, are soul mates. They needed to find themselves in this apocalypse, and they are both stronger for exchanging themselves. "

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