& # 39; Walking Dead & # 39; Season 9 Premiere: Gregory (Xander Berkeley) Comic Book Death, Explained


The last fatal moments of "A New Beginning" owe their origin to the comics of Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard.

[Cettehistoirecontientuneimagedérangeantede[Thisstorycontainsadisturbingimagefrom[Cettehistoirecontientuneimagedérangeantede[ThisstorycontainsadisturbingimagefromThe dead who walk comics as well as spoilers for the first season of the AMC drama.]

"You're wrong, I'm not ashamed."

In five words, Maggie Rhee (Lauren Cohan) gave the order to execute her long-time enemy, Gregory, the founder of Hilltop played The dead who walk for four seasons by Xander Berkeley. Barely in any case, four seasons, because the villain appeared only half of season 6 and had not even survived the first season of this season. It's not that there are too many broken hearts: a presentation of the new film by Comic Con in New York Walking Dead The episode ended with enthusiastic fans when Maggie hung Gregory, a reaction that Berkeley himself would surely approve.

"In a way, the acclaim of the end or the volume of the scandals is an indication of your impact on an audience," said the actor. The Hollywood journalist on his hopes for Gregory's last impression on people. "You do not always have to have an impact by warming your heart."

Gregory's death was not a surprise to readers of the Walking Dead comics series by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. The former Honorary Chief of Hilltop dies in similar circumstances in comic books, though he has a slightly different track record with respect to his appalling fate.

As in the series, as in the series, Gregory conspires to murder Maggie. As for the show, Gregory Illustrated relies on a family tragedy at Hilltop to reinforce his support for it. The specificities of this tragedy are very different. Instead of a young man heroically losing his life on the road and thus inciting his father (Earl, played by John Finn) to get drunk against Maggie, the version of the cartoon devoted to the events featured Carl (Chandler Riggs ) beating a pair of opposing youngsters. boys a few inches from their lives; Parents are so furious with Maggie's relatively mild reaction to Carl's actions that they decide to support Gregory's plot to assassinate. Obviously, the story had to be changed for the television series, given the death of Carl in season eight.

Similarly, Maggie's attempted murder plays differently between comics and the show. In the show, Gregory asks Earl to commit a despicable act. "You can not even murder someone properly," grumbled Maggie to Gregory during their possible confrontation. The line has roots in comics, where Gregory faces Maggie with both hands, via a poison. He is about to finish the job when Jesus (Tom Payne) arrives just in time. When she gains consciousness, Maggie grumbles against her enemy: "You can not even poison someone for good reason." Close enough!

In the series, Maggie showed very little hesitation when it came to killing Gregory, as if it was the only obvious answer to his crimes. The comics have a longer approach to Maggie's decision, which decides whether the run is the right answer. In fact, she is against early on because she wants to live up to the example given by Rick (Andrew Lincoln) while keeping Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) alive at the end of "All-Out War". A big difference there, already. It was Jesus who was the first to defend the idea of ​​executing Gregory and, after some more deliberation, Maggie finally decided that it was the right course of action.

Regarding the performance itself, the premiere of Season 9 built a complete final act around Gregory's death, a way to demonstrate the kind of leader Maggie Rhee has become. In comics, Maggie announces her decision to execute Gregory at the end of The dead who walk # 140. There is no more sign of the Maggie-Gregory quarrel until the last page of The dead who walk No. 141, in which we see Gregory hanging on a tree that Hilltop can see. This is a brutal image that shames the TV product in terms of graphic content.

What cool horrors lie on the other side of Gregory's death? L & # 39; s arrival Walking Dead the episodes will surely answer this question. Continue to follow THR.com/WalkingDead for full coverage.

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