& # 39; You & # 39; let's explain the season finale: Where's Penn Badgley's life drama in season 2



The first season of Lifetime's Stalker drama You ended in the same way that the story was completely telegraphed from the beginning: Beck (Elizabeth Lail), obsessed by Joe (Penn Badgley), discovered that his boyfriend had killed several people and was pursuing her . Although she made a brave escape attempt, Joe foiled her and killed her too.

But that does not mean that there was no end in torsion. It turns out that Joe's ex-girlfriend, Candace (Ambyr Childers) – whom Joe and Beck thought they had killed – is still alive and has a lot of problems with his ex.

The Candace part of the end diverges from Caroline Kepnes' book on which the series is based, but most of the rest of the story is as Kepnes wrote it. The Sera Gamble showrunner spoke with The Hollywood journalist on the final of the season, which diverts books, and who and what will be included in the second season already underway.

The end of the season, with respect to Joe and Beck, has been telegraphed from the beginning. Have you been tempted to do it differently?

The way Caroline runs it in the book is so exciting and not to be a cliché, but it was a real roller coaster ride for me emotionally. There were so many moments when I thought and thought it would end differently. So there was a lot of material on which to work, but there was also something a little scary and crazy to know that it was the end of your season. I think the feeling that it was happening in the distance has affected us all the season in a way that has been beneficial for the writing of the series. There were so many times that we tried to negotiate with ourselves and see if there was another way to do it, and we look back and we love Elizabeth Lail. She's done a pretty masterful job this season and I think it's good to feel a bit unsafe and a bit unsure about such a giant tent pole at the end of your season. It keeps you on your guard. We had the impression of winning our way towards the end of the season.

The last episode gave much more information about Joe's traumatic past, but did not expect the public to sympathize with him.

Joe's story interests us, and this includes the past, and I think fundamentally, having a traumatic and terrible past can help to become a questionable adult. However, I know many people who have worse stories than Joe Goldberg who, to my knowledge, did not kill anyone. We do not say that if you have a terrible and abusive childhood, you will necessarily grow with the exact toolbox that Joe created. We try to bring a lot of things that influenced it. He is sort of a singular person, but by no means do we say that having a shitty childhood will turn you into a terrible person as a kind of rule. This is not how the world works.

It's also frustrating to think about this guy, who is so smart, and all that he could have accomplished had he focused his energy on something good rather than stalking and stealing. murder.

Right, the Sliding doors alternative universe Joe Goldberg doing all the right things, but only for the people who actually asked for help.

Have Mr. Mooney as a mentor a bit like a Dexter situation?

Joe was cared for by a guy who had a certain philosophy of life that had really erased him. Joe was already a teenager when he even met Mr. Mooney. There is much more to explore about Joe since the beginning of his life. These are the things we are starting to tackle for season 2.

What was Beck's thought process when she was stuck in the box? It seems that she knows what will happen to her.

She does it, and I think the exercise for a writer is to say if I was in his situation, what would I think? I do not think Beck was completely resigned to his fate. I think she's trying to survive. She was given explicit instructions to sit down and think about what she did. Writers have talked a lot about what she thinks about it. For us, it was the culmination of a long discussion about how people, when something very serious happens to a young woman, tends to say what she did to put herself in this situation.

It was important for us to tell her story, because she is alone and there is literally nothing else to do besides thinking about this stuff. We wanted her to track everything she thought. about what had landed him in the cage. We wanted to be sure that we came to the conclusion that there was no way for her to win. It was not like she was silly or selfish and so she deserved to be locked in a cage like an animal, but in many ways it was impossible for her to win for a long time. This is just the most extreme version of this.

And why do you think Joe's young neighbor, Paco, whom he had headed, did not open the door to Beck when she was trying to escape?

All season, Paco was the person who made the most of Joe. Joe is completely selfless towards Paco and really wants the best for this kid, he wants to protect him and even goes so far as to save him from [his abusive stepfather] Ron, who is a level of involvement. Joe does not just kill people. He must have a very good reason to get involved. He must really love to involve you – at least that's the code of life with which Joe would say that he works.

It's a double-edged sword. We wanted to make sure that what Paco had learned from Joe this season had real consequences. He did not just learn that classical literature was a good way to pass the time. He was not only rescued from his abusive father-in-law. He also learned some things that ultimately had really disastrous and tragic results, such as the fact that Joe would never, ever, have a human locked up in the basement that did not deserve it. Paco watched Joe take care of Ron, and then Joe was very compassionate and thoughtful in telling him that he should have done something wrong but for a very good reason. We needed that to end at a time when Paco would come to the same conclusion about Beck and feel safer.

Why did you decide to get out of the book and bring Candace back?

We knew we were going to start coming back to Candace as Caroline does in the book. We started by talking about how people would presume that he killed her and that we are more and more convinced of it, especially since they know about Joe all the time. throughout the season. We just wanted to do something more surprising and realize that his character was so substantial and interesting.

This has made the casting process more intense, because in general, you are not immersed in a season yet and you do not want to launch any one you may need later. So we knew we really needed someone. Fortunately, I had already worked with Ambyr Childers. She was a regular in the Aquarius series and I knew her ability to embody many contradictions in a character. I was able to say, "You know, it's about an actress that I think we can bring and see a little bit more and then know that she'll be able to really bite into the bigger things later. "

The second book of the series takes place in Los Angeles. Is it the second season?

The show is in L.A. We started the work. The writers are part of the Paramount group and we are looking for a stage space in Los Angeles. Joe Goldberg comes to Los Angeles and is a fearless New Yorker. So I can not say that he comes to Los Angeles and he immediately falls in love with the place. At least at first glance, this is not the kind of Joe town, which is lovely. Starting to talk about what Joe would think of Angelenos was so much fun in the room.

What other characters are coming back? Joe played the character of John Stamos, Dr. Nicky, for the murder of Beck, and there is still a P.I. investigating the death of Beck's BFF Peach.

Part of the pleasure of continuing the story lies in the fact that details of Joe's past are still pending and could come back to him at any time. He is very concerned that Peach Salinger's family has hired people to investigate his alleged suicide. There is evidence that can survive at home since the first season. If you look at all the acts of violence that he commits during the first season, you could perhaps go back and bite him. And Dr. Nicky is in jail and he is fiercely protesting against his innocence. It is too early to say for sure if John Stamos will be back in the second season, but we have talked a lot about the character and we are delighted to continue telling this story.

Before the start of the season, we talked a lot about how the series tackles the rights of men and the # MeToo movement. What themes do you plan to cover in season two?

It's an interesting conversation for us because the book was written before the # MeToo movement and we were in production before the beginning of Harvey Weinstein's story. In fact, we were stationed on the first two episodes when this story broke. And so, what I 'm trying to keep in mind, that we are all trying to keep in mind, is that we do not tell a story because of it. Current iteration of the #MeToo conversation. We tell a story prior to this one. And these problems will continue in one form or another for a long time, I think, in our culture. We are trying to change things and these changes will be difficult. So we make sure not just to follow the story, but to continue to explore our feelings about the case as deeply as possible.

Joe is a very interesting and particular guy who thinks that is the case. What's the word? Maybe "awake". He thinks that he really understands women. He thinks he's an incredible ally. I think this can be one of the most dangerous positions of all when we are entitled to it and when we do not quite know why we do what you do. It's certainly something that annoys me when I read articles in the press cycle. I am irritated by the people who have the immense privilege of masquerading as less privileged groups of people. So I do not know, we have a lot of fun to be subversive with the story, and it will continue.

It's also interesting how much Penn's cast was part of the character – the viewer inherently trusts him, but there's something wrong with the character.

Penn is very knowledgeable. He is actually this thoughtful guy. In the conversations we have with him behind the scenes, he's a great part of what Joe Goldberg thinks – but Penn is actually that guy. This makes him the ideal actor to play Joe Goldberg with a lot of layers. I think it also brings some necessary discomfort with some of the things the character does. But I think we are all on the same level of opinion about why we tell the story, which makes it really fun and interesting and a rigorous exercise.


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