4 civilians killed, soldiers wounded in Mali attack on French troops


Bamako (AFP) – French soldiers on patrol in troubled northern Mali were targeted in a "terror" attack on Sunday in which four civilians were killed and wounded dozen, including four soldiers, Malian and French officials said.

Citing In the late 19th century, the French army chief of the air force was killed in the …

In Paris late Sunday

"Terrorism has again hit Mali in a cowardly way," French Army Minister Florence Parly said in a tweet

According to a Western military source, "some French with the Barkhane force to the city of Bourem. "

Gao resident Fatouma Wangara said the French patrol was deliberately targeted by a suicide car bomb [19659007] "An armored vehicle blocked the way and the car blew up," she said.

Meanwhile in a separate incident on Sunday, a vehicle of the Movement for the Salvation of Azawad (MSA), an armed group of training Touareg rebels, Mali, Mali, Landmine, Talataye village in the Gao region,

The attacks, coming from Afghanistan in the wake of two others on Friday and Saturday, highlighted the fragile security situation in the West African nation as it prepares to hold elections on July 29.

African Union summit opened in neighbouring Mauritania, with security crises

On Friday, a suicide bombing hit the Mali headquarters of the five-nation G5 Sahel, adding to the problem jihadist g roups roaming the region.

– 'Message sent by terrorists' –

Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, whose country is part of the G5 and is hosting the two-day African Union summit, warned that Friday's attack on the Sahel Force HQ Had Visited Regional Security Failures.

He said the blast "hit the heart" of the region's security and lashed out a lack of international help, saying the doors of the United Nations were "closed."

"It was a message sent by the terrorists at this precise moment when we are getting organized to stabilize and secure our region," Aziz told France 24 television.

"If the headquarters was attacked, it is because there are so many failings we need to fix if we want to bring stability to the Sahel. "

The Al-Qaeda-linked Support Group for Islam and Muslims, the main hand in the Sahel, claimed Friday's bombing in a telephone call to the Mauritanian news agency Al-Akhbar

And on Saturday , kiln Malian soldiers were killed when their vehicle was in the central Mopti region.

– Funding problems –

The G5 aims to have a total of 5,000 troops from five nations – Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali , Mauritania and Niger – President of the United States of America (19659022) French President Emmanuel Macron will meet G5 leaders in Nouakchott on Monday to focus on the progress made by the force

G5 troops in the troubled "tri-border" area where Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso meet, and alongside the UN's 12,000-strong MINUSMA peacekeeping operation in Mali.

Mali votes on July 29 in a presidential election in which incumbent President Ibrahim Boubacar

Mali's unrest stems from a 2012 ethnic Tuareg separatist uprising, who was exploited by ji

The extremists were largely driven out of a military operation launched in January 2013.

Broad goal stretches of the country remain in force and Malian forces, which are frequently targets of attacks, despite a peace agreement signed with Tuareg leaders in mid-2015, and at isolating the jihadists.

Burkina Faso and Niger.

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