4 girls remake a photo to celebrate cancer


What a difference two years can make. For four little girls, two years brought them friendship, health and hair, and all this is evident in the before and after photos shared by the Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida.

McKinley, Chloe, Ava and Lauren were all diagnosed with cancer and treated at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital two years ago. According to the Daily Mail, four- and five-year-old girls met by chance at the hospital in September 2016, which happens to be Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. At the time, the doctors gave them all pink tutus so that they raise their morale during their treatment.

Celebrating National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and "TuTu Mardi", McKinley, Chloe, Lauren and Avalynn in the hospital lobby. The children were friends and all were fighting cancer. (Photo: Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital).

They took a picture with big smiles and even bigger tutus, but a small amount of hair on each of their little heads. "They were all on active treatment the first time," said Alyssa Luciano, Ava's mother, at FOX 13. Chloe was suffering from a rare form of lung cancer, so the five-year survival rate of the AML is 85%.

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"It was always a breath of fresh air to see a familiar face and know that she was not alone in this situation," said McKinley's mother Karen Moore. "Once your child has cancer, it's hard to imagine a" normal "life," Luciano told the Daily Mail. She described the feeling as "surreal" and "even more special when it comes to sweet friends with whom she became very sick."

According to the newspaper, the four girls "vowed to stay together forever". And they kept that promise a year later, coming back to celebrate their remission and taking the same picture in September 2017.

The girls get together, tutus and all, in 2018 to redo their original photo at the Johns Hopkins All Children Hospital. (Photo: Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital)

They started again in 2018, and this time was the most festive, all girls being officially cancer free, Lauren being the last to join the club. "We're done," Glynn told FOX. "She just rang to signify that she finished her treatment last Monday.

Then they put on new tutus and shirts that said "Survivor" and jumped on them for an extra special photo shoot. "It's our third year. They just arrived, all, "Glynn told FOX.

The doctors told the Daily Mail that "the girls have prospered because they have regained strength".

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